Wonder Woman Annual #3: Gorilla Warfare
Wonder Woman Annual #3 (Orlando, Marion, Florea) features a riveting Diana vs. Grodd battle and a setup for a major new villain who’s close to Diana’s heart!
DetailsWonder Woman Annual #3 (Orlando, Marion, Florea) features a riveting Diana vs. Grodd battle and a setup for a major new villain who’s close to Diana’s heart!
DetailsGotham City Monsters #2
‘Gotham City Monsters #2’ (Orlando, Nahuelpan, Mulvihill, Napolitano) continues to be a refreshingly solid read, crafted with great care by all involved.
DetailsGreen Lantern: Blackstars #1
Green Lantern: Blackstars #1 (Morrison, Xermanico, Oliff, Wands) is a gorgeously rendered narrative in which Morrison out-Morrisons himself, for better or worse.
DetailsJustice League #35
‘Justice League #35’ (Snyder, Tynion IV, Manapul, HI-FI, Napolitano) brings the reader to the brink of failure as Doom continues to dominate the war and familiar faces are wiped off the face of the multiverse.
DetailsLegion of Super-Heroes #1
Legion of Super-Heroes #1 (Bendis, Sook, von Grawbadger, Bellaire) brings the 31st century’s premiere super-team back for a whole new generation! Come see what all the hype is about!
DetailsDCeased #6
A miniseries about a zombie-like apocalypse has absolutely no business being this beautiful, touching, or straight-up fun. ‘DCeased #6’ (Taylor, Hairsine, Edwards, Gaurdiano, Beredo) proved a fine conclusion to a wonderful event. Do pick it up.
DetailsNightwing Annual #2
Nightwing Annual #2 (Jurgens, Moore, Filardi) In one issue the Court went from “oh cool finally something interesting going on in Nightwing again” to “Bruh!!! This is straight up slapping!”
DetailsTales From The Dark Multiverse: Superman: The Death of Superman #1
Tales From The Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1 (Loveness, Walker, Hennessy, Rapmund, Kalisz, Cowles) is a masterfully told tale of grief and human nature. Surely a stand-out issue of an overall enjoyable event.
DetailsIn Aquaman Annual #2 (DeConnick, Ayala, Ibanez, Ramos) proves to be a rare gem indeed: a quietly flawless comic about a acceptance, loyalty, and forgiveness – and a missing dog!
DetailsRed Hood: Outlaw #39
Red Hood: Outlaw #39 (Lobdell, Rocafort) is recommend it for Rocafort’s art alone, but I have to hand it to Scott Lobdell for giving this book some heart!
DetailsBlack Canary Ignite
Black Canary Ignite (Cabot, McGee, Quirk, Cowles) is a fantastic middle-grade, standalone graphic novel, that teaches valuable lessons to adults and young readers alike. It has a unique voice, while teaching young readers to find power in their own words and actions.
DetailsBatman Annual #4
Beautiful art is forced to work in concert with a mediocre script in Batman Annual #4 (King, Fornes, Norton, Steward, Cowles).