Wonder Woman 67: Swords and Stones
Wonder Woman 67
To discover the fate of her home, Wonder Woman enlists the aid of an old enemy.
DetailsWonder Woman 67
To discover the fate of her home, Wonder Woman enlists the aid of an old enemy.
DetailsThe Wild Storm #21
The experimental subjects code-named Apollo and Midnighter has broken cover. The team’s emotions are on the loose. What is next for Skywatch, I.O. and the rest of the world as we narrow to the end of this series?
DetailsJustice League Odyssey #8
‘Justice League Odyssey #8’ is boring on almost every imaginable level.
DetailsHarley Quinn #60
Harley proves her worthiness in the Trials of Harley Quinn, and even discovers something about herself in ‘Harley Quinn #60’!
DetailsJustice League #22
It’s back to the beginning…waaaaay back! Tynion and Manapul craft a fantastic story of the origins of the multiverse done in such a way that only Tynion and Manapul could have!
DetailsThe Trickster has utilized the Sage Force to turn Central City into a town of shiny, happy zombies! What’s the World’s Fastest Man to do?
DetailsBatman #69
The circuitous narrative spooled out over the last several issues comes to fruition, here, when Batman finally finds the key to freeing himself from the labyrinth of fear. The art is stellar, as is the narrative. This is one to pick up.
DetailsNightwing #59
Ric Grayson being trained by Hutch of The Nightwings? Character building, backstory, and backdrafts. Burn it down!
DetailsYoung Justice #4
Young Justice #4 delves into the origins of the conflict on Gemworld while finally starting to bring the team back together!
DetailsThe Batman Who Laughs #4
Batman must see the world as his enemies do in order to defeat them. But in changing his world view, will he become the evil he fights against? If the Batman Who Laughs has any say in the matter, he will!
DetailsTitans #36
Titans #36 was a great conclusion to the series but did feel a bit rushed at times.