Batman Kings of Fear #4: Good for Gotham?
Batman Kings of Fear #4
Batman is (still) under the thrall of Scarecrow as the villain attacks his mind? Can the Dark Knight take much more?
DetailsBatman Kings of Fear #4
Batman is (still) under the thrall of Scarecrow as the villain attacks his mind? Can the Dark Knight take much more?
DetailsOld Lady Harley #2
The search for the fate of the Joker is on in Old Lady Harley #2, but the world has changed dramatically over the years. If anyone has answers now, they will be at the Arkham Home for Criminally Insane Retirees!
DetailsSilencer #11
Silencer has found Talia al Ghul, but will she be able to stop Leviathan from revitalizing their mistress?
DetailsBatgirl # 29
Batgirl # 29: Batgirl has figured out Grotesque’s plan. Can she stop him before he destroys the museum and kills her father?
DetailsNightwing #52
Ric Grayson is on the run and has sought refuge in abandoned houses as he hides from the Bludhaen PD, but Svoboda encounters something far more sinister while more Nightwings enter the city…
DetailsDetective Comics #993
Is this finally the end of Two-Face? His fate is revealed and so much more in Detective Comics #993!
DetailsThe Flash #59
The Flash #59: SPOILERS AHEAD! “Force Quest” continues as Barry and Iris search for answers in Gorilla City. But who (or what) beat them there?
DetailsAction Comics #1005
Action Comics #1005 promises the reveal of Red Cloud’s true identity. Plus, The Question makes his debut post-Rebirth appearance!
DetailsRed Hood and the Outlaws, Vol. 2, Issue 28
The town of Appleton is known for their apples…and death!
DetailsAquaman/Justice League: Drowned #1
AQUAMAN/JUSTICE LEAGUE: DROWNED #1: In the conclusion to the epic saga Drowned, the few of the Justice League who AREN’T fishes must somehow save the world against a trio of Gods AND the Legion of Doom!
DetailsHeroes in Crisis #3
Heroes in Crisis #3: Take an inside look at Sanctuary and its procedures.
DetailsSideways #10
Sideways #10: Sideways is back home but the price of heroism is great…