Green Lantern #19: A Troubled Takeoff
Green Lantern #19
is a reasonable recruitment drive issue for the new “Fractured Spectrum Saga” that also suffers from significant missteps. #DCComics #DCAllIN #GreenLantern
DetailsGreen Lantern #19
is a reasonable recruitment drive issue for the new “Fractured Spectrum Saga” that also suffers from significant missteps. #DCComics #DCAllIN #GreenLantern
DetailsGreen Arrow #20
by #ChrisCondon #Montos @fxstudiocolor #HassanOtsmane-Elhaou @DCOfficial is an excellent showcase for what fantastic lettering can bring an already solid story, art! #GreenArrow #DCComics
DetailsThe Flash #17
is a prime example of how fun this character can be when the creative team knows how to meld the ridiculousness with the heart and moral of the story. by, @sispurrier @VascoGeorgiev @MattHerms @HassanOE & @DCOfficial. #Flash #DCComics
DetailsBlack Canary: Best of the Best #3
continues to showcase the awesomeness of the fight between Black Canary and Lady Shiva, while also delving more into the Canaries’ backstories, by @TomKingTK #RyanSook @Dragonmnky #ClaytonCowles, & @DCOfficial
DetailsJustice League Unlimited #3
With so many moving pieces, this issue remains focused and a blast to read. #MarkWaid @Danmora_c @TBonvillain #ArianaMaher @DCOfficial #DCComics #DCAllIn #Batman #Superman #JusticeLeague
DetailsSuperman #22
A secret alien strike team is set on taking Doomsday. Can the unlikely team-up between Superman and Doomsday save the day? Find out in this month’s issue of Superman. (@Williamson_Josh, @Danmora_c) #Superman #DCComics #ClarkKent @DCOfficial
DetailsChallengers Of The Unknown #2
continues to build the mystery surrounding the Godshock event as June and Ultivac take center stage in the sophomore issue of this series from #ChristopherCantwell @SeanIzaakse @DCOfficial #DCComics #DCAllIn
DetailsBatman/Superman: World’s Finest #35
The World’s Finest along with Robin and Aquaman head to Atlantis to investigate a mysterious illness plaguing the oceans! #MarkWaid @Agutierrezart @TBonvillain #SteveWands #DCComics #Batman #Superman
DetailsNightwing #122
is as good as it is vague in its big villain reveal, taking a moment to breathe and assess the story thus far with a continued sense of consistency from @danpgwatters & #dextersoy! #Nightwing #DCComics #DCAllin
DetailsBatman & Robin: Year One #4
Batman and Robin are starting to get the hang of working together but Bruce and Dick still need some work. #DCComics #Batman
DetailsGreen Lantern Fractured Spectrum #1
is a well-written jumping on point promising to give Lantern fans a new and exciting story while continuing to add to the ring-slinging mythos from @spacekicker @VKMarion #DCComics #DCAllIn @DCOfficial
DetailsAbsolute Batman #4
Absolute Batman #4 (@Ssnyder1835 #GabrielHernándezWalta #FrankMartin #ClaytonCowles & @DCOfficial) is a gripping origin that strips down Bruce Wayne to his core while debuting a haunting new batsuit #Batman