Superman #5: Banshee, But I Hardly Knew Her…
Superman #5
It’s #Supermans 5th issue of his new solo, & the team still seems to be going strong. Can @williamson_josh & @_pryce14 keep up bringing the heat?
DetailsSuperman #5
It’s #Supermans 5th issue of his new solo, & the team still seems to be going strong. Can @williamson_josh & @_pryce14 keep up bringing the heat?
DetailsBatman/Superman: World’s Finest #16
BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #16 is packed with fan favorites and unlikely team-ups in a series that everyone should be reading. @MarkWaid @Danmora_c @TBonvillain @DCOfficial #Batman #Superman
DetailsNightwing #105
Nightwing #105 (@TomTaylorMade @Bruno_Redondo_F @fxstudiocolor_ #WesAbbott @DCOfficial) switches to the first person perspective in a successful experiment, recalibrating back to a more Nightwing-centric series filled with spectacular art and strong colors.
DetailsSuperman: Birthright
RETRO REVIEW: A look back at the 2003-2004, 12-issues series, DC Comics’ “Superman: Birthright.” #Superman #ComicWatch #DCComics
DetailsGreen Lantern #2
Catch this new chapter in the lives of Hal Jordan and John Stewart, as they continue finding themselves in their latest journey in GREEN LANTERN #2! By @spacekicker, @phillipkjohnson, @xermanico & #montos! @DCComics #GreenLantern #DCOfficial
DetailsBatman Incorporated #9
Don’t be an asshat – the latest issue of Batman Incorporated will leave you biting your nails and wondering what will be the fate of Ghost-Maker and his international team of Bat-heroes. #Batman #BatmanIncorporated #DCComics @DCOfficial @EdBrisson @JohnTimmsArt @RexLokus
DetailsDark Knights of Steel #11
In terms of art, characterization, and sheer intensity of story, this penultimate issue is nothing short of phenomenal as @TomTaylorMade #YasminePutri #ArifPrianto #WesAbbott @dcofficial
DetailsAdventures of Superman: Jon Kent #4
This is an incredible story: a snapshot of a world that is a fun — if desperate — place to visit. Let’s hope Jon survives the experience from @TomTaylorMade @claytonhenryart & @DCOfficial
DetailsThe Flash #800
The Flash #800 celebrates Wally and sets up a shockingly amazing new run, from @spacekicker #FernandoPasarin @Markwaid @Williamson_Josh @geoffjohns @sispurrier @mikedeodato @toddnauck #CarmineDiGiandomencio @ScottKolins #OclairAlbert @MattHerms #RobLeigh, & @DCOfficial
DetailsPoison Ivy #13
Poison Ivy #13 is an intriguing premise undermined by perplexing art direction and deceptive marketing. It’s a worthwhile read for monthly readers, but anyone expecting a Harley & Ivy rom-com for Pride Month will be disappointed. #LGBTQ #Harlivy #DC
DetailsSteelworks #1
Compelling characters and rich ideas make Steelworks #1 (from Steel himself, Michael Dorn) a must buy first issue. @akaWorf @DCComics #DCComics #Steelworks A: Sam Basri C: Andrew Dalhouse L: Rob Leigh
DetailsBatman #136
Batman #136 (@zdarsky @BelenOrtega_ @tomeu_morey @jecorona @ivanplascencia Clayton Cowles @DCOfficial) recalibrates as a more grounded, character-driven story thanks to introspective art and enthralling colors that emphasize the people behind the masks.