52: Week 4 -Showtime
52 week 4
52 week 4 is the shot in the arm this series needed after last week! What do you think?
Details52 week 4
52 week 4 is the shot in the arm this series needed after last week! What do you think?
DetailsLazarus Planet Legends Reborn #1
The Question’s on a case, the Firestorm Matrix turns deadly, Raven is attacked by an old enemy, and there’s someone new in Gotham. Lazarus Planet Legends Reborn is the strongest tie-in yet. @DCComics #DCComics
DetailsBlue Beetle Graduation Day #3
Blue Beetle Graduation Day #3 reveals the true threat to Earth! @losthiskeysman delivers an insightful character story. @Agutierrezart, Will Quintana, and @LetteringBear deliver a visually stunning issue. #DCComics #BlueBeetle
Details52 week 3
52 Week 3 is a bit of a letdown after last week’s excellent issue, but elements of the plot are all still all falling into place nicely! (Waid, Johns, Morrison, Rucka, Giffen) @DCComics #DCComics
DetailsBatman: One Bad Day: Catwoman #1
A heart-wrenching story in a slick and stylish package, Batman: Catwoman: One Bad Day (@GWillowWilson @McKelvie and Clayton Cowles) is surely an instant Catwoman classic. @DCComics
DetailsTim Drake: Robin #5
In this classic Sherlock Holmes-style story, Tim Drake may get his own archnemesis in the latest issue of “Tim Drake: Robin.” @megfitz89 @RLopezOrtiz @LeeLoughridge @DCComics
DetailsLazarus Planet We Once Were Gods #1
The art carries Lazarus Planet We Once Were Gods, a book of vignettes that purports to show the consequences of the Lazarus Volcano eruption but is little more than a commercial.
DetailsDetective Comics #1068
Detective Comics #1068 is a high point in an already stellar run from Ram V. From its epic scale, to its moment of humanity, readers are in for a treat as Act 1 concludes. @therightram @DannyMiki_ @Dragonmnky @CommentAiry
DetailsAction Comics #1051
A new day brings a refreshing new direction for the #Superfamily and Metropolis. #Superman @DCComics @PhillipKJohnson
DetailsBatman One Bad Day Bane #1
Villain redemption is a common comic book story trope. Why and how it happens usually doesn’t matter (and sometimes whether the transformation even makes sense is unimportant so long as the desired result is achieved). But villain ennui? That doesn’t happen often. Few villains realize they’ll never top a particular achievement and simply fade into…
DetailsBatman/Superman: World’s Finest #11
BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #11 is a fantastic issue on all fronts and a strong conclusion to this arc! @DCComics @MarkWaid @Danmora_c @TBonvillain #SteveWands #DCComics #Batman #Superman
DetailsLazarus Planet Assault on Krypton #1
After the Lazarus Volcano’s eruption, will Dreamer, Jon Kent, Mercy Graves, and Power Girl ever be the same again? Find out in four stories by four top-notch creative teams. @atlasincognita @mymonsterischic @cspacat @NicoleAMaines @DCComics