Wonder Woman #794: Welcome to the Heraion
Wonder Woman #794
Wonder Woman, Siegfried, and Cheetah face off against a pair of milky gods in the sensational WONDER WOMAN #794 by @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad & @manulupac! #DCComics #WonderWoman
DetailsWonder Woman #794
Wonder Woman, Siegfried, and Cheetah face off against a pair of milky gods in the sensational WONDER WOMAN #794 by @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad & @manulupac! #DCComics #WonderWoman
DetailsSuperman: Son of Kal-El #18
SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #18 is another brilliant, thoughtful installment of the Jon Kent story, told with exquisite characterization and phenomenal art. By @TomTaylorMade @CianTormey @ruairicoleman @rfajardojr #Superman #DCComics
DetailsGotham City Year One #3
Slam Bradley finally gets to do some classic, pavement pounding, hardboiled detective work in GOTHAM CITY YEAR ONE #3 (@TomKingTK, @philhester, @ericgapstur, #JordieBellaire, #ClaytonCowles), and it is an absolute treat to read. @DCComics #DCComics
DetailsPoison Ivy #7
Poison Ivy #7 (.@GWillowWilson @atagunilhan #ArifPrianto @HassanOE) is a slow burn that deftly balances horror and heart and will leave you on the edge of your seat. #PoisonIvy @DCComics #DCComics
DetailsDark Crisis: War Zone #1
Dark Crisis: War Zones (@spacekicker @MattHerms @FrankTieri @caitlinyarsky @GeorgeKambadais @DelilahSDawson & more) is the best case scenario for tie-ins, telling 5 strong stories that showcase legacy aspects of the #DCUniverse with excellent art & colors.
DetailsBatman #130
By merging the dark psychological and the heroic ideal takes in BATMAN #130, Zdarsky has brought nuance and flexibility to the character. Impressive work. #DCComics @zdarsky @JoregeJimenezArt @Leo_Romero @tomeu_morey #JordieBellaire #Batman @DCComics
DetailsDeathstroke Inc. #15
ICYMI! Deathstroke Inc #15: YEAR ONE has absolutely been a fun ride, but it had to end eventually, though I wish it weren’t with a slight stutter. @edbrisson @dextersoy @VeronicaGandini @swands #DCComics
DetailsNightwing Annual 2022
The #Nightwing annual (@TomTaylorMade @edupansica @fxstudiocolor @cspacat @InakiMiranda and more) showcases everything that’s great about the run and character, offering plenty of twisted origins, Bitewing in action, and gorgeous art and colors. #DCComics
DetailsNubia & The Justice League Special #1
The Nubia Renaissance continues in NUBIA & THE JUSTICE LEAGUE SPECIAL #1 as @DCComics celebrates Nubia’s 50th Anniversary by inviting her to the Justice League! @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad @Steph_I_Will #DCComics #LGBTQ #WonderWoman
DetailsWildStorm 30th Anniversary Special
The WILDSTORM 30TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL is one helluva kick-@$$ look back – and forward – at one of comics’ best universes! Starring the WildCATs, the Authority, StormWatch, & more! By @JimLee @JScottCampbell & a bevy of comics’ greats! #WildStorm #DCComics
DetailsSuperman: Kal-El Returns Special #1
SUPERMAN: KAL-EL RETURNS #1 is a wonderful anthology, packed with feeling, tinted with nostalgia, and brimming with character. It’s the perfect book for any #Superman fan. I cannot recommend it strongly enough. #DCComics @DCComics
DetailsJustice Society of America #1
Join JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA alums Geoff Johns & Jerry Ordway, with superstar artist Mikel Janin as they reintroduce the original super team to the rest of the world! @geoffjohns, @jerryordway, & @mikeljanin! From @dccomics! #DCComics #JSA