Batman #129: Batman vs. A Monster of His Own Making!
Batman #129
Gotham falls into darkness and chaos as #Batman takes on a monster of his own making in BATMAN #129! @DCComics @zdarsky @JorgeJimenezArt #ClaytonCowles #DCComics
DetailsBatman #129
Gotham falls into darkness and chaos as #Batman takes on a monster of his own making in BATMAN #129! @DCComics @zdarsky @JorgeJimenezArt #ClaytonCowles #DCComics
DetailsDeathstroke Inc. #14
Deathstroke: Year One is a high intensity, action-packed tale that doesn’t pull its punches. @edbrisson, @dextersoy, @VeronicaGandini and @swands are killing this series so far, just like their titular assassin. #DCComics @DCComics
DetailsSgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead #2
Your favorite World War II hero is back in full throttle, up against zombie N*zis to save the world! Can the Rock of Easy Company save the world again? Find out in SGT. ROCK VS. THE ARMY OF THE DEAD #2! @GroovyBrue @DCComics #EduardoRisso #DCComics
DetailsDC vs. Vampires #10
DC vs. Vampires (@DCComics @JamesTheFourth @AshcanPress @OttoSchmidt72 @TENapolitano) has only gotten stronger with each issue, and makes one thing clear with #10: #Grifter and #GreenArrow need a spinoff like yesterday. #DCComics
DetailsBatman: Beyond the White Knight #6
Batman: Beyond the White Knight #6 by #SeanMurphy @Dragonmnky, and @andworlddesign falters under the weight of its continuity and cast, but is still amazing to look at page after page. #Batman #BatmanBeyond #DCComics @DCComics
DetailsAction Comics #1048
ACTION COMICS #1048 is a treat: satisfying on every level. It’s exactly what a #Superman story should be, and it’s as necessary right now as medicine. #DCComics @PhillipKJohnson #MikePerkins @DavidALapham @LeeLoughridge #DaveSharpe
DetailsDuo #5 and 6
In the series finale of DUO, @gregpak, @khoiphamart, @inkerscott1, @SotoColor and @TheJaniceChiang tell an excellent, heartfelt story and sets up a hopeful if difficult future for the rest of Earth M. @DakotaUniverse #Milestone #DCComics
DetailsBatman: One Bad Day – Penguin #1
BATMAN: ONE BAD DAY – PENGUIN #1 (Ridley, Camuncoli, Smith, Leigh) delivers a hard luck story that will made everyone want to root for Oswald Cobblepot–the criminal behind Batman’s success. #DCComics #Batman #Penguin @DCComics
DetailsDark Crisis: Young Justice #5
.@megfitz89 (with @LauraBraga_rt, @lgcolorist, & #JoshReed) undertakes an ambitious metanarrative about Young Justice’s place in the DC universe in DARK CRISIS: YOUNG JUSTICE #5! #DCComics #DarkCrisis #YoungJustice @DCComics
DetailsHarley Quinn: The Animated Series – Legion of Bats!
Legion of Bats! #1 ( @MizTeeFranklin @shaebeagle @RobbyPoggi @LeeLoughridge @TaylorEspo @yoshisquared ) is a bombastic, clever, hilarious and intriguing read that will delight Ivy and Harley fans to the extreme #HarleyQuinn #PoisonIvy #Harlivy #Pride
DetailsDCeased: War of the Undead Gods #3
DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #3 (Taylor, Hairsaine, Lanning, Beredo, Temofonte) is a mixed bag that offers little beyond a touching funeral for Wonder Woman, finding itself in the shadow of Dark Crisis.
DetailsBatman The Knight #10
This was a satisfying resolution to BATMAN: THE KNIGHT, informing readers about a pivotal time in #Batman’s life while not straying too far from the established mythology. It was a fun, if not necessary, read for old and new fans alike. @Zdarsky #DCComics