Domino, Outlaw, Diamondback and Atlas Bear find themselves in the Mojoverse and in a fight to save the life of Longshot despite the apocalyptic vision of Shoon'kwa which says that the former X-Men and Mojoverse warrior will be the doom of all mankind! It's an issue of heart, fists and wonderfully bad puns!
This issue ties up the two-part Longshot arc and Gail Simone does it in absolutely fantastic fashion. Domino in the past has always been a remote guarded character of dark sardonic humor. Gail has in this series really dug into Neena’s psyche fleshed her out in the best ways possible and built the characters personality up. The issue sees Neena making the choice to choose a side and fight for that choice (in this case to save Longshot’s life despite the risks or possible consequences of what that could mean) even if it means fighting against an ally like Shoon’kwa.
Gail gets Longshot just right (not an easy thing I think) and there is plenty of action from Domino diving off a building, facing off against Shoon’Kwa to protect the ill Longshot and multiple fights on planet Orphan in the Mojoverse for those who want it. However what I love about this book though is that, despite it’s great action component, at its heart it is about Neena, who despite a terrible past, is finding her way back to the light of love, trust and true friendship with companions who themselves were lost like her in the form of Outlaw and Diamondback. It’s a well-balanced issue of action, humor and heart that really was entertaining, made me laugh out loud multiple times and gave me that’s warm fuzzy feeling… if thats not comic book perfection I do not know what is.
David Baldeon proves that he is a true master of his craft with breathtaking opening pages and remarkably good panelling. Artist’s Michael Shelfer, Anthony Alburquerque and Anthony Piper (Piper, in particular, impressed me previously with his one page Domino story in the Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1) all do an absolutely superb job on the pages they did in this issue. Having four artists on one issue is normally a very jarring thing for me but not here, the issue moves along seemlessly and it’s a pleasure to see other talents get to draw Domino and company and do an awesome job of it.
Carlos Lopez does an excellent job on coloring and Clayton Cowles continues to show why he is my personal choice for Letterer of the year. Once again Gang Hyuk Lim delivers a stunning cover!
This title has been a true highlight for me over the last year and I am looking forward to seeing what comes next for Domino, Outlaw, Diamondback, Adelbert and Atlas Bear next!
Final Thoughts
Simply another outstanding chapter in the story of Domino and her Posse. Gail Simone gets it spot on with both guns blazing as the entire #teamdomino brings their A game to this issue which finds the right balance between action and emotion ... perfection
DOMINO #10: Something Good (Really, Really Good)
- Writing - 10/1010/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10