Empty Zone #5

We learn Corinne's dark secret and everything crashes down in pure destruction as she takes on a gang of thugs that are half-animal
The first arc comes to a tragic yet somehow freeing conclusion in Empty Zone #5 as we see Corinne finally revealing her dark past in its entirety and doing everything she can to finally put it behind her. It’s full of raw emotion and great character development, but it doesn’t forget to bring the horror with it as well!
While the motivations behind Corinne’s depressive state were revealed in the previous issues, issue #5 finds her in a position to finally confront the consequences of her actions. It’s an exciting revelation, but it’s ultimately one fueled by tragedy, so there are heartfelt complications that give the issue a dark edge. Although she killed her entire team herself, she must do it again to free the ghosts that linger in their place, and it ends up almost being too much for her.
It’s quite remarkable how Alexander and the rest of the team have found such an uncanny ability to blend horror and sci-fi with such a haunting tale of self-forgiveness. However, in the first arc, Corinne’s personal struggles take that majority of the focus. This unfortunately leaves little room for essential world building. We get tidbits of information such as LA being essentially washed out to sea, but there isn’t enough to really flesh out the dynamic world Corinne inhabits. While that might be the only real downfall in the first arc, it’s an important one especially considering the potential that was established in the first couple of issues.
Empty Zone #5 certainly isn’t the issue to jump into for new readers, but it wraps up the first arc in a really exciting way. Even if there were no other issues it feels like it’s a fully realized story and even ties up any loose ends with an awesome epilogue. It’s quality writing, but as I’ve said in my previous reviews, the series really shines due to the incredible artwork from Alexander, NCT and Jackson. It’s fast paced but still an absolute treat to look at.
Overall, the first arc has been simply incredible. This is the type of series that I personally just can’t get enough of. It’s great to see the story flourish in a way that feels both natural and engaging, and while there isn’t much of a setup for what’s to come in the next issues, it left me feeling anxious to dive into whatever lies ahead for Corinne now that she is finally able to begin a new chapter in her life.
Final Thoughts
It's simply remarkable how Alexander and the rest of the team have found such an uncanny ability to blend horror and sci-fi with such a haunting tale of self-forgiveness, bringing a tragic yet somehow freeing conclusion to the first arc in Empty Zone #5.
Empty Zone #5: You Are Not a Ghost
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9.5/109.5/10
- Color - 9.5/109.5/10
- Cover Art - 8.5/108.5/10