Empyre Tie-ins
The week’s tie ins for Empyre show continues to show the rising danger faced planetside in the Cotati’s war against all animal life. In Empyre: Captain America #2, Cap learns of a new danger that he and his group of US soldiers are unable to handle on their own. In Empyre: Avengers #2, the three teams must be creative if they will survive the dire straights they are in. Meanwhile, on Genosha, Empyre: X-Men #3 adds more levels of threat to an already dangerous free for all.
Empyre: Captain America # 2
Empyre: Captain America #2 doubles down on everything that was in issue #1. I still hope I was either reading too much or too little into the not-too-subtle message of the comic, but it seems straightforward. The everyday soldier is good and noble, while the higher-ups are too busy with their selfish political agendas to care about people dying. Phillip Kennedy Johnson fills the issue with dialogue that feels very stereotypically Captain America – down to the WWII story about fighting Nazi’s and how the real heroes were the troops at his side. The action scenes are well rendered by Rachelle Rosenberg and Ariel Olivetti but too quick to win me over.
Empyre: Avengers # 2
Empyre: Avengers # 2 picks up the pace for the last issue. With all three storylines, the need to set the stage is gone allowing for the action and characterization to shine. Jim Zub melds the tension in the plot with the humor of the dialogue to create a comic that is just fun to read, while Carlos Magno and Espen Grundetjern do a wonderful job putting the exotic Cotati and magical effects of Scarlet Witch and Doctor Voodoo on the page.
Empyre: X-Men #3
Empyre: X-Men #3 continues to ramp up the oddity of an already bizarre story. Which considering the zombie vs. plant vs. old ladies vs. X-Men (now with more psychics) brawl happening in the past two issues, it is an impressive feat on its own. Vita Ayala, Zeb Wells, and Ed Brisson do a great job of carrying the torch forward. Though I doubt anything could compare with the on-page classification of Warren as a himbo, the dialogue remains light and fun. Since the comic doesn’t seem to take itself seriously, it allows for the ridiculousness to stay enjoyable. The art by Andrea Broccardio doesn’t disappoint. It remains just as engaging as the last two issues, while the colors by Nolan Woodard tie the title together despite the rotating nature of most of the creative team.
Final Thoughts
While Empyre: X-Men #3 (Ayala, Wells, Brisson, Broccardio, & Woodard) and Empyre: Avengers #2 (Zub, Magno, & Grundetjern) show titles that get better with each issue, Empyre: Captain America #2 (Johnson, Olivetti, & Rosenberg) stays consistent in sticking to the Captain America wartime niche.
EMPYRE TIE-INS-WEEK OF 8/12: We Were “Rooting” for You!
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 8.5/108.5/10
- Color - 8.5/108.5/10
- Cover Art - 8.5/108.5/10