Spencer Dales, a young man from a family of magical protectors comes into his powers late and frustrated, but with perspective that challenges the status quo. His potential is constrained by rules of a society that forces him to be unseen while protecting those who others deem worthy of his protection. As his powers excel, Spencer seeks the approval of his father, live up to the expectations of the family name, and confront the unjust rules of society.
Last issue, we connected with Spencer’s emotions, a young man who follows his heart and his conscience. He defied the wishes of his father and the powers that be, which resulted in accepting the consequences of his actions. After some hard reality checks, Spencer chooses to take the safe path with immediate regrets, because his best friend, Aaron wasn’t so lucky. It is clear that this is the beginning of Spencer’s struggles as he is persistent to face the injustice by Aegis. Spencer has the will and determination despite any difficulties standing in his way to achieve his goals.
Spencer and his lifelong friend, Aaron, were caught defying the elders and the rules set forth. Unfortunately, due to difference of society levels, both punishments were not equivalent. The first few pages, we see how Spencer is dealing with some hard lessons of his reality and the regrets of Aaron’s involvement to save G.G. He throws himself completely into his “assignment” set by Aegis.
Spencer has been given the task to round up unauthorized magic users. If achieved through excellence, he hopes this will reach the end of his sentence. However, Spencer is given a new mission, one that may complete his punishment, but it will cost him dearly.
Writer, Brandon Thomas continues the intense family drama devotion to strengthen the Afrofuturism culture for the today’s people to relate and embrace. Thomas strategically placed genuine heart and soul into each character while blending in politics and society issues into this fictional world. This makes the story strong, real-like, and most important, believable. There is no doubt that Thomas has great understanding to people and how individual perception affect those they interact. Excellence #3 emphasizes greatly on two childhood friends, who consistently gets caught up on differences in the bureaucratic world of magic.
The artwork by Khary Randolph is beautifully crafted with cool action and movements. Each panel has brilliant in design and masters Thomas storyline quite well. I really love Emilio Lopez’s colors chosen, which makes Randolph’s work more intense and eye catching.
Excellence #3 continues to attract the reader with real-life family conflictions, the consequences to decisions, and the fantasy world of magic.
Final Thoughts
Excellence #3 is the best issue yet and I cannot wait for the next issue.
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8.5/108.5/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10