Excellence #7

Excellence #7 begins a new chapter in Spencer Dales’ life. Like many other young men, Father’s Day doesn’t mean shit! Spencer has much frustration and anger in him that needs to be released. As men, Spencer and his father, face the truth about their father-son bond, they will experience both pain and liberation. In this second arc, Brandon Thomas has set the stage to take us on their way through this emotional labyrinth; it can become a true “rite of passage.” Will Spencer emerge with a stronger sense of his identity and a solid sense of his own masculinity? He may come to feel more integrated as a man and perhaps willing to see his father more realistically, with both positive and negative traits. Both Spencer and his father may be able to recognize more clearly how their negative unexpressed feelings may still be impacting their intimate relationships as well as intruding into their friendships with men.
The optimal outcome, as Spencer move forward toward resolving these feelings with his father, is to no longer be entangled with them through anger or hurt. Spencer may bring some newly earned individuation and energy into his love life, work life and friendships with other men, like Aaron. Hopefully, Spencer’s daddy issues will be resolved with minimal damage before it’s too late for permanent regrets.
Thomas continues to build the lead character in Excellence #7. Spencer has developed a six-month plan of action against the Aegis, a secret society of black magicians. This young man has to have some impressive strategic planning skills. Spencer has been analyzing and evaluating Aegis for a while now, but does he have enough data to meet his goals successfully? Nonetheless, Spencer is taking action without constant doubts and overthought. He is confident in his decision to begin with by casting a reflection spell that allows him to be at multiple places at once. He knows that these agents of internal affairs have been watching him like ninjas within the shadows waiting for the right time to pounce.
Top man, Dequan Hill, is wise to Spencer and plans to take him down! As Dequan keeps an eye on Spencer Prime, we are taken through the eyes of the other reflections. Spencer #2 receives a reality check from mother Dales as she gives him some much needed constructive criticism. This section should touch every reader in one way or another, as a parent or as a child. Mother Dales has lived through the dark path that her son is about to experience and doesn’t want Spencer to repeat past mistakes of his parents. The thing that irritates me, like most parents, mother Dales provides guidance and hints of her lessons learned, but won’t tell her son about those mistakes. This may have helped Spencer understand or at least take note as he embarks his path. Then again, mother Spencer is calm, cool, and collective as if she knows that the only way her son will truly learn is to experience the darkness and accepting the worst. Uhhhh, parenting is the hardest job!
Meanwhile, mirrored Spencer #3 and #4 visits two others and observes a spell placed by Aegis. This is some freaky ass shit! Spencer(s)’ purpose for these visits may be bleak with warning signs flashing all over the place. The remainder of Excellence #7, Spencer realizes gaining support in his cause will be more challenging than he imagined. He now feels more alone now than ever before. Or, is he?
Thomas executes the next chapter of the Excellence series and takes the reader through the eyes of each character. Each character has a different personality and the reader feels their stance when it comes to Spencer. The artwork by Khary Randolph is beautifully crafted with cool action and movements. Each panel has brilliant in design and masters Thomas storyline quite well. I really love Emilio Lopez’s colors chosen, which makes Randolph’s work more intense and eye catching.
Excellence #7 continues to attract the reader with real-life family conflict with consequences to decisions, while mixing to the fantasy world of magic. Spencer wants to be a leader and inspire the multitudes, especially everyone in the society apart from the political elite, to rise up against their oppressor. Aegis must be taken down, NOW!
Final Thoughts
It takes concerted effort to undermine an organization. Will the mystery creature be what Spencer needs to take down Aegis or an indication of his defeat?
Excellence #7: Multitudes
- Writing - 8.5/108.5/10
- Storyline - 8.5/108.5/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10