Fallen World #2
Things are just getting worse for our hero Rai and the gang, Bloodshot of the future is taken over by the villainous AI Father, the world is on the verge of total anarchy and religious zealots have invaded the more stable parts of an unstable world preaching the return of Father's oppression as misguided deliverance. To put it mildly things are just about as bad as they could possibly be.
To add to the mix the murderous Circadian has found Rai's long lost brother leading to the worst family reunion Rai could have feared. Just when a small silver lining breaks among the clouds in Karana the Geomancer finding a new source of power, Karana and her protector Gilad are beset upon by none other than the wild warrior woman,Warmother!
Dan Abnett’s drawing on elements from the entire series of 4001 AD books, managing to balance lore from over a half dozen books into one cohesive narrative. The fact he was even gutsy enough to tackle such an attempt for his first foray into modern Valiant is impressive enough, the fact he does it so well is nothing short of amazing.
As I mentioned there’s elements of every 4000-4001 AD title blended into this story. That’s a ton of material of sift through and make work all in one miniseries but Dan “The Man” Abnett is all over it. Not to mention expanding on the lore with characters like Circadian and the Fallen, exciting new aspects that fit in perfectly with what came before.
Adam Gorham also brings a high level of consistency in quality. His artwork here just as impressive if not more so than the initial issue. I’d be very hard pressed to name another book he’s done in recent memory that touches how striking and fluid his art is in these issues.
I’ve always been the cautiously optimistic type but man oh man is it hard to contain the hype as you flip through the pages of Fallen World. Abnett and Gorham are delivering the goods while stepping up their game as they go. The last page reveal of War Mother is a perfect example of that, the issue was already solid gold and had you ready and ravenous for the next installment….but just when you think you’re stuffed full from the gluttonous amount of awesome fed to you Fallen World laughs and says “hope you saved room for desert pal!”.
Final Thoughts
Bottom line this book is killing it from the first panel to the last. If you love samurai or ninjas or post apocalyptic stories or insane robots or well anything awesome and fun, you need to be reading this series.
Fallen World #2: Rage Against the Machines
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 9.5/109.5/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10