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Fearless #1: The Fiercest Ladies of Marvel Unite!


Fearless #1

Artist(s): Claire Roe, Nina Vakueva, Carmen Carnero

Colorist(s): Rachelle Rosenberg, Tamra Bonvillain

Genre: Action, Mystery, Superhero

Published Date: 07/24/2019


Fearless #1 is a new limited series that features the women of Marvel.  It is comprised of three short stories that give a fantastic introduction to what will hopefully be a well-received anthology.


The book begins at Camp Gloriana, which is hosting a woman’s empowerment summer camp, headlined by three unique, keynote speakers: Susan Storm (Invisible Woman), Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), and Ororo Munroe (Storm).

Susan worries about leaving her husband and family, the biggest priority in her life.

Carol is uncertain if she can truly inspire others. Given how she was portrayed in Civil War II, it’s nice to see some self-doubt and introspection.

For Storm, it’s keeping the spirit of a promise.

What’s fascinating is that we have three women who have faced off with neo-gods, single-handedly destroyed enemy fleets, saved the world countless times …and they each have very human stressors that also compete for their time and attention. That part is often left out of the story. It’s nice to see a bit of uncertainty in priorities and self; it really brings out the integral humanity of each of them. They’re goddesses each but still very human and touching on the elements that make them tick makes them relatable. Seanan McGuire and Claire Row really captured their essence in just a few, short frames. Taking them off the stage on which they usually play, moving them out of their comfort zone and into a new arena is a compelling change of pace.

Milly the Model is one of the oldest Marvel humor titles, first published in 1945 by predecessor Timely comics, but Millie made a proper debut in the Marvel universe during Fantastic Four Annual #3 (1965). It follows the exploits of namesake Millie and her interactions with friends, co-workers, and frenemies. This story is no exception, although there’s less of the slapstick humor for which it was originally known. That’s not a bad thing.

Lastly, Jessica Jones, former superhero turned detective, receives a mysterious phone call in the dead of night from a friend asking for money and help. It’s a classic set-up that is an excellent start to any mystery. Who wouldn’t help a friend in need?

This time around though, she may have received more than she bargained for! Kelly Thompson spins an engagingly lighter tale for Jessica Jones and it’s really a delight to see the hard-as-nails detective in something not as dark and gritty.

Final Thoughts

It's a great start; Fearless #1 has just set the stage and I can’t wait to see how it plays out!

Fearless #1: The Fiercest Ladies of Marvel Unite!
  • Writing - 7/10
  • Storyline - 7/10
  • Art - 6/10
  • Color - 6/10
  • Cover Art - 7/10
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