Fire Power #3
The third issue of Fire Power finally sees the series slow down long enough for more than one smile as Owen takes on training his family despite the dangers just outside his door creeping closer and closer. It’s an issue that once again capitalizes on the extensive development afforded the series so far, but it also shows that it knows when to take its time and build drama.
Although there are still hints of fireball throwing and martial arts action, it honestly is the drama that keeps pulling me back to Fire Power. Kirman and Samnee have a great chemistry that comes out in every panel. In Fire Power #3, as the narrative bounces from one perspective to the next, we are able to see an emotionally charged tension that takes shape in a way the previous issues really haven’t been able to do.
We’re at a turning point in this third issue, that much is for sure. The first two issues released on the same day following an entire original graphic novel prelude, so this is actually the shortest bit of story in the series we’ve received at one time so far. In just one issue, we are finally able to see what Fire Power is capable of and I will absolutely continue coming back for more. The artwork alone makes it worthwhile as Samnee continues the powerhouse visuals in issue #3 that elevate the story and keep you excited for every new page.
There are some unique layouts and design choices in Fire Power #3 as well, but with solid lettering from Rus Wooton, the issue is able to excel with the arguably slower pacing to flesh out a mystery that already feels poised to unravel. It’s this building tension that makes the book such a treat to read and everyone in the creative team contributes to pulling this off so well. From the secrecy surrounding Master Wei Lun to Owen protecting his family, there is a lot happening in this third issue that makes it crucial in setting up what is to come while emphasizing the lore already established.
For fans of Kirkman, Fire Power is quickly proving to be a series that is truly worth getting excited for. With the first trade and three issues behind us, there is more than enough content to say that it’s worth adding to your pull list and keeping up with. It’s not the next TWD, it’s something on its own entirely and that is absolutely a good thing.
Final Thoughts
Fire Power #3 once again capitalizes on powerhouse artwork using nearly perfect pacing to build drama and tension that keeps you anxiously excited for each new page.
Fire Power #3: Dangers That Are a Bit More Personal
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9.5/109.5/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 8.5/108.5/10