Can anybody slow down Barry and Wally before they tear the world apart? And what paradigm-shifting answers await them in the Speed Force? “Flash War” continues!
THE FLASH (2016) #49 “Flash War Part 3”
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Howard Porter
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover Artist: Howard Porter & HI-FI; variant by Francesco Mattina
Colorist: HI-FI
Publisher: DC COMICS
What You Need to Know:
Wally is on a mission to destroy the Speed Force and free his lost children, and Barry has been told to either help or get out of the way. Zolomon’s plan is in full swing, as the future timeline appears to be fading from existence… with Iris and Wallace still trapped in the future!
What You’ll Find Out:
As Wally and Barry race around the world with ever-increasing speed, the rest of the DCU takes notice. The repercussions of the two Flashes’ race are felt everywhere, from the Microverse to New Genesis. A.R.G.U.S., The Justice League, and The Titans do their best to slow the duo, but all attempts are met with utter failure as Wally recklessly races to save his children from the Speed Force.
When the two finally break through the barrier, however, they are blasted back to Central City to face the consequences of their actions. The Speed Force was not broken, and Irey and Jai not saved from it (because they weren’t trapped in it at all), but rather the barrier containing the Speed Force, along with the newly revealed Sage and Power Forces, was shattered, enabling Zoom to seize control of all three forces to become the hero that the future needs—The Flash!
What Just Happened?
Once again, the creative team has delivered another Earth-shattering issue. The revelation continues the recent trend of altering the primal forces at work in the DCU– from the introduction of a Dark Multiverse to redefining the nature of the Source Wall– with the introduction of accompanying forces to Speed Force. The power of The Flash and The Flash Legacy is elevated to a new level, with the new Forces potentially opening up a world of possibilities for the heroes that bear that mantle. The question of who really is the Fastest Man Alive seems to be settled, as well, as Superman fails to even get within earshot of the two speedsters, and in a page worthy of framing, Wally is seen pulling away from even Barry, securing his place as the fastest Flash, at least momentarily (see the Featured Image).
The narrative of what it means to be a hero, skewed by Zolomon’s twisted ideology does serve as interesting food for thought. In a sense, he assesses that the Flashes’ devotion to family is a selfish trait and, in fact, is a barrier to their abilities to rise to next level of herodom. That is a level that the villain formerly known as Zoom is prepared to attain, however, and wielding the three Forces certainly provides him with the power to do so.
Rating: 10/10
Final Thought: If ever I could bring myself to levy a complaint against this arc, it would be that there was no reference at all to the fate of Iris and Wallace, and with the impending Flash ménage a Trois, there is a high likelihood that there won’t be room in the next issue to address it either.
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