GI Joe Castle Fall One-Shot
It’s been way too long since we’ve had a visit to this particular GI Joe universe. We’re back in the world of what might have been and the situation, and stakes, couldn’t be more real. Throughout this series author Paul Allors has done something I’ve really thought couldn’t be done. He’s created a Joeverse that’s a little lighter in tone, all the while keeping the consequences, characters, and tone as serious as you could want them to be. In fact, the situation may be more serious because this GI Joe team is not made up for a “daring, highly-trained, special missions force” but instead it’s made up of everyday people, like you or me. In this finale (?) all the pieces fall into place and you begin to see the big picture and learn that, like in real life, everybody has a plan and nobody is quite what they appear to be. There are double-crosses, triple-crosses and maybe, even more, crosses, I lost count after a while. One thing’s for sure, this is a really solid book. Even if you think you know what’s going on, trust me, you have no idea. But at the core of this book, Allor plants a simple message, one that is totally relevant and needed in today’s world: If we work together, we can accomplish anything.
Artist Chris Evenhuis, who’s had the artist reigns of this series, does his usual great job here. Nothing is hyper-detailed, he’s got a really crisp, neat style that is simple but effective. Your eyes concentrate on what they should, not on looking for easter eggs that aren’t there. His pages are powerful, they don’t need words to get the emotion and point across, and even the most minute panel is given as much time and thought as the most important one. In my opinion, this will be Evenhuis’s resume for the rest of his career, and I think he should be really proud. Because for a generation of fans, he’s created a new GI Joe. And for a generation, this will be their GI Joe.
Final Thoughts
An uncommonly pleasant ending.....but it doesn't have to be.
GI Joe: Castle Fall #1: Turn Out The Lights…
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 7/107/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 6/106/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10