Green Lantern Fractured Spectrum #1

Following the events of the Civil Corps, a new era in Green Lantern mythology begins! Once again, Oa has become the epicenter of the Green Lantern Corps, bringing justice to the furthest corners of the galaxy.
Comic Watch Review:
- Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1: The Earth’s Lanterns Get Ready To Save The Cosmos
- Green Lantern / Green Arrow: World’s Finest Special #1 – We Had Joy, We Had Fun, We Had Seasons In The Sun…
But a new threat has emerged: beings that manifest uncontrolled parts of the emotional spectrum have randomly appeared throughout the universe. Dubbed Fractal lanterns, Hal and a reformed Green Lantern Corps set off to police this strange new phenomenon while uncovering a sinister plot that could eliminate the very essence of sentient life.
Green Lantern Fractured Spectrum #1 is the setup for the next chapter in the DC All-In era following the conflict with Thaaros. Back in charge of policing the galaxy Hal and the other Lanterns look to establish a new status quo, but as usual it’s not going to be easy and without problems from a new manifestion in the emotional spectrum: The Fractal Lanterns.
Writing / Storyline:
Adams begins the issue with a look at how the corpses are rebuilding as they place the new power battery on Oa. During this sequence every Green Lantern is shown helping with the effort. It was nice to see Kyle and Jessica Cruz, the latter who in a speech to the Corps explains the new role of the Guardians and rallying the other Lanterns. Adams also provides a concise explanation of the battle with Thaaros without going into a run of heavy exposition that stalls the flow of the story.
Adams also does a great job of reintroducing The Sorrow who was Carol’s fiancé before he became infected with whatever has turned him into The Sorrow, a Lantern that can elicit the sadness part of the emotional spectrum, almost killing Guy Gardner.
The last part of this issue sets up the story that will play out in Green Lantern and the upcoming Green Lantern Corps title. Revealing that Guy is obsessed with trying to determine if the Guardians have rewritten the Book of Oa multiple times. This sequence also has some nice humor bits as Hal and company checkout Guy’s apartment which would make The Question look sane. Kyle also gets a nice National Treasure reference in when Guy tells them he stole the original and replaced it with a fake.
The Eye Of Krona is also introduced into the lore which shows that the Book Of Oa was written in a version for each color of the spectrum which is and interesting addition that will play out through the story arc. It was also a nice touch early on in the issue that Hal is unsure that Kilawog is completely back to normal following his stint as the avatar of Fear / Yellow Lantern.
Art / Color:
The art and color work is solid works well with the story being told. The part that stands out is Guy’s apartment which shows stuff padted all over the place with string running every which way.
Final Thoughts
Green Lantern Fractured Spectrum #1 is a good self-contained issue that establishes were the Green Lantern Corps is and sets up the upcoming storyline without adding stuff that feels like filler.
This is a perfect jumping-on point for new and old readers who may have stepped away from the recent goings on in the Green Lantetn corner of the DCU.
Green Lantern Fractured Spectrum #1
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10