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Green Lantern: War Journal #3: Love Thy Mother


Green Lantern: War Journal #3

Artist(s): Montos

Colorist(s): Alex Guimarães

Letterer: Dave Sharpe

Publisher: DC

Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Scifi, Superhero, War

Published Date: 11/21/2023


WHO IS LANTERN SHEPHERD? John Stewart has had his first battle with a deadly new adversary and is infected by the Radiant Dead! Will his powers help slow the spread of this supernatural contagion, or are they transforming him into the most terrifying host imaginable? And who is the powerful young Green Lantern from within the Multiverse, Lantern Shepherd?


Green Lantern: War Journal #3 picks up with John Stewart battling against the corrupted Green Lanterns while on top of a train in Metropolis. Dropping readers right in the midst of the action, this issue wastes no time in establishing the stakes and building momentum. All of the build up to now has been indicative of a quasi-hero’s journey as John is forced to leave his life of solitude and taking care of his mother in order to return to the stars and combat a new great evil in the universe.

Phillip Kennedy Johnson has been delivering a tour de force when it comes to the powerful storytelling surrounding this tale of a lost soldier who is forced to return to the fight. The most powerful part of this issue is the double page spread where John is forced to come to terms with his new journey, and has to explain everything to his unconscious mother. This is the heart of the story and really brings everything down to earth. Coupled with the cosmic action and extreme consequences, Green Lantern: War Journal #3 really embraces what has made this series so compelling. Johnson’s personal history within the US Military really helps ground John’s personal struggle and makes this tale super compelling.

Montos gets to let loose in the best way possible with the explosive start. The Green Lantern power constructs look better than they ever have before, especially with the colors from Alex Guimaraes. In the first two issues, the action was present, yet was put to the back burner in order to establish the emotional core of the series. Here, the two elements of the story are married in a harmonious manner, allowing Montos and Guimaraes to unleash their full potential. Every page looks gorgeous and well plotted out, with a huge dream sequence foreshadowing what is to come via a beautiful establishing shot of the Radiant Dead’s power at work. Those who came for the dramatic storytelling from Johnson will definitely be shocked by the level and detail of the fantastic art.

Rounding out the creative team is Darve Sharpe on letters. As always, Sharpe does an excellent job stabilizing the readability of the issue. He does a great job of blending the regular dialogue with the onomatopoeia which creates a very lifelike, almost cinematic read for the issue. Overall, the lettering really adds a spectacle to Green Lantern: War Journal #3, elevating it beyond the already fantastic writing and art.

Final Thoughts

Green Lantern: War Journal #3 is a fantastic mix of heart and action, setting up what seems to be one of the most definitive John Stewart stories of all time.

Green Lantern: War Journal #3: Love Thy Mother
  • Writing - 9.5/10
  • Storyline - 9/10
  • Art - 9.5/10
  • Color - 9/10
  • Cover Art - 9/10
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