In Brightest day, in Blackest Night, No evil shall I swipe Left or Right! Jessica tries her hand at the Superhero dating scene with a new app just for the Super Hero Community called Caper.
Writer: Tim Seeley
Artists: Barnaby Bagenda
Cover Artist: Will Conrad & Ivan Nunes
Colorist: Ulises Arreola
Inker: Mick Gray
Letters: David Sharpe
Variant Cover: Brandon Peterson
Publisher: DC Comics
What You Need to Know:
The Green lanterns have just returned to Earth from a short time on the Planet Ungara. Simon has been living in the Green Lantern barracks and has had a hook up with a Woman Hero Named Night Pilot. They met using an App called Caper (think of a Tinder just for superheroes with secret identities). After striking out against Liseth on Ungara, Simon and Jessica return home to check on things on the Planet Earth.
What You’ll Find Out:
Jessica and Simon meet up with some heroes that are in the middle of saving some people from a Tropical storm. They are there with the like of the Powergirl, and Firestorm, but Simon manages to speak with The Bulleteer. She asks him if he had hooked up with her friend the Night Pilot from Caper? He tells her they met a couple of times, but he hasn’t seen her in a while. She is naturally concerned for her friend.
Jessica, not knowing what Caper was, or that Simon was Dating is quite intrigued. They agree to fine Night Pilot, but Jessica wants to press Simon about his extra0-cirrucular activities, especially the Dating App for Super Heroes called Caper!
What Just Happened:
Jessica is surprised that Simon was dating, How does he have the time? She thinks that a big step for her would be to get back out there herself, and she downloads Caper too. As she Right and Left-swipes her way through the Superhero Community, they ask for some League help from Cyborg on the disappearance of Night Pilot.
“I wonder if Nightwing is on here?” Jessica asks.
As Jessica waits for her Special Match ( wait until you see who it is!) she figures out the connection between several other missing Heroes and Night Pilot was that they are all on Caper!
They decide to track down the company and pay them a little visit. At first Everything seems on the up and up. But then they fins traces of some radiation, and they were attacked by the Company Mascot!
They probe a bit deeper, and find that one of the Omega Men named Scrapps, has been hypnotizing the developers of Caper to set up a Human Super Hero Trafficking ring in Space!
They Beat Scrapps with little difficulty, but she tells them there is more than they know with the Caper “Caper”.
The People have been taken to an off world prison site to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Jessica and Simon prepare to head out and save Night Pilot and the rest of the Heroes.
Rating: 7/10
Final Thought:
Having read this title for a good amount of time, I feel safe in saying that the stories are usually best when they involve both personal drama of the titular characters or some sort of large scale Space trouble. This one involves both. I enjoy the ways that Jessica progresses as a character, while showing that she is clearly not ready .Simon is a guy that is Hot and cold, I feel. I like how this story ties back to the events just before the last arc. That being said I have no problem with this book, I just find it humorous, yet a bit bland.
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