Jessica and Simon continue their chase to find the missing heroes after they raid the headquarters of Caper, the dating App for Superheroes. Simon swears to find the Night Pilot, and save the rest of the people from a terrible intergalactic Human Trafficking scheme run by an alien named Scrapps!

Cover A

Cover B
Green Lanterns # 41
Writer: Tim Seeley
Artist: Barnaby Bagenda
Inker: Mick Gray & Derenick
Colorist: Ulises Arreola
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist: Will Conrad & Ivan Nunes
Variant Cover: Brandon Peterson
Editors: Mike Cotton Asst. Editor: Andrew Marino
Publisher: DC Comics
What You Need to Know:
Having successfully found the cause of the disappearing heroes, Simon and Jessica take Scrapps, the ringleader and one that used the Caper App to further her Human Trafficking ring, into their custody. They are having her lead them to her supplier. Meanwhile, Jessica is dealing with the Caper App, saying her perfect match was Simon! They travel off-world to a lawless planet called Garnet in the Vega system. A system where they don’t take kindly to Green Lanterns. They once had one, but the ring never chose a successor, because it’s that bad!
What You’ll Find Out:
Disguised as two Bounty Hunters they take Scrapps through the marketplace. She is leading them to her contact. They encounter some colorful alien species, but they soon see that Scrapps is both well respected as an outlaw, and a smooth operator, as she helps get them in touch with their quarry.
The plan actually works pretty well, until one of the Alien Criminals notices that one of her pictures was just swiped left on by the person standing in front of her, who is supposed to be 200 Light years away! Gulp! The jig is up, and in a disgusting display, she pops an arm pustule on Simon, who is majorly grossed out!

There’s Gross, and there’s Space Gross!
What Just Happened?
Their cover blown, the two Rookie Lanterns Blast out of the Bar with Scrapps in tow. They are attacked by the locals, who do not appreciate the law and order that the Lanterns have to bring, and they attack them with Garbage. Jessica gets up and fights back with a Wild Boar construct and they follow the Crazy Puss Lady named Tomb, and her associate on her Speeder Bike.
Scrapps seems to be enjoying the excitement.
Meanwhile 6 sectors away, a sad procession of figures in chains exits a strange Spaceship. Among them, we see Night Pilot. She is removed from custody and taken to a secure location. We do not know why, but she has been taken from the group.
Simon and Jessica with Scrapps, talk to the criminals and strike a bargain. Of course against Simon’s wishes, but the thing that they wanted most is to get some Street Cred for taking out the Lanterns. They want the Lanterns to fake that they were killed by these two, and then they will give up the location of the Human Traffickers.
Knowing what’s at stake, and the vastness of the sectors they have to search, Simon agrees, and they enact their plan. Thy find out the people they seek are in the constellation of Orion in the Horse-Head Nebula. A word of warning from Scrapps, “Omega-Damned. It’s a System-sized Church.”
They depart for the system, and we see Night Pilot brought before what looks like a religious figure on a throne. Stay tuned for next months issue!
Rating: 6.5 / 10
Final Thought:
The story is moving along, and dives into a lot of relevant topics, like swipe culture, but I think it has a disjointed plot with minimal dialogue. I am not really impressed with the artwork either. Let’s just hope that this one is going somewhere because this was a somewhat lackluster issue. No character growth, and very few drops of the deeper plot. I hope that they get some consistency with the regular artist soon because it’s a strange thing to switch every three or four issues. I will say the Variant Covers by Brendan Peterson are sublime! They are looking for a deeper connection to Night Pilot for Simon, and I don’t see it, especially since they are building towards an eventual relationship with Jessica. The only way to go is up from here!
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