Grim #8

Jessica Harrow is a Reaper who ferries souls from the land of the living to the land of the dead. With the help of her fellow reaper friends Marcel and Eddie, she learned she is the daughter of Death himself. This came at an inopportune time as Adira, a power hungry reaper, has been orchestrating a plan to usurp power and kill Death. After a battle in Las Vegas against The End, Death is now gone leaving no one to ferry souls.
Grim #8 is a solid balance of plot development and world building. Paired with excellent art, this issue is a great continuation of the Jessica Harrow story.
The previous issue focused on the terror of a hospital filled with people who cannot die. Issue #8 begins with a prison riot and without the possibility of death, the complex is filled with violence. As readers follow a mysterious white-haired woman, her escape is one of the three plot points in this issue.
The consequences of Death no longer being around is impacting the hierarchy of the Land of the Dead. Adira’s inability to lead quickly becomes apparent to the other reapers as they question why souls have not appeared. Meanwhile, Jessica has met three beings who are Fate personified and they bring an ominous message.
It’s a busy issue, but it is presented in a way that is so well paced, I was surprised to see how much was put into the less than thirty-page issue. The multiple plot threads link to the passing of Death and all of them keep the overarching story fresh.
Throughout this series the writing and story have kept steady in their quality. Writer Stephanie Phillips has managed to keep Jessica Harrow as the center of the story and introduce a host of new players in the story. Flaviano’s art is always a delight and Rico Renzi’s deep reds and yellows that add an ethereal element to the panels. Mirroring the use of colors is the lettering done by Tom Napolitano. It’s subtle and unique in its own way that enhances the reading experience.
Final Thoughts
Grim #8 keeps up the momentum and fans of the series will be thrilled about the plot developments. This series has been consistent in its quality and the focus on world building is a nice addition. If you’re new to the series, I highly recommend picking up volume which covers issues 1-5, and look for the back issues to get caught up. Now is a good time to jump in as I have a feeling this story can stay fresh for a while.
Grim #8: All Roads Lead to Death
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9.5/109.5/10
- Color - 9.5/109.5/10
- Cover Art - 9.5/109.5/10