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Grimm Universe Presents 2020: New Adventures Await


Grimm Universe Presents 2020

Artist(s): Daniel Maine, Dario Tallarico, Salvatore Cuffari, Mario Torrisi, Renzo Rodriguez

Colorist(s): Maxflan Araujo, Michael Bartolo, Fran Gamboa (with J.C Ruiz), Grosieta, Robby Bevard

Letterer: Taylor Esposito (of Ghost Glyph Studios)

Publisher: Zenescope

Genre: Action, Fantasy, Horror

Published Date: 02/19/2020


As the Grimm Universe continues to grow, new adventures await the many heroes that reside inside it. Don't miss this 64-page issue of epic proportions, as we get 5 all-new, never-released short stories, spanning from all corners of the realms of power, leading into the future of all things Grimm!


Welcome to the giant-sized spectacular Grimm Universe Presents 2020, an annual look into the sprawling connected universe that defines the core of Zenescope’s lineup. With five epic stories to dig into, there is plenty to talk about so let’s dive right in…

Moonlight Running
Writer: Raven Gregory
Artist: Daniel Maine
Colors: Maxflan Araujo
Letters: Taylor Esposito (of Ghost Glyph Studios)

In the first story of Grimm Universe Presents 2020, we find Liesel Van Helsing in the year 1840 of feudal Japan thrust into a deadly fight against a terrifying werewolf and you guessed it, ninjas! Of course it’s an exciting story, but the overall design from the creative team is really what pulls you into Van Helsing’s latest hunt. Her new costume is inspired by the aesthetic of the time and brings an awesome new look for the character into the fold.

All of the badass action mixed with a horror edge and one enormous gun for good measure is an immediate recipe for a great time in a comic, and in just a few pages this short story delivers all of it. For fans of Van Helsing following her newest series which pits her against the League of Monsters, the Werewolf introduced will be of particular significance. This is a revenge story that crosses decades and will surely catch up to Van Helsing!

This story is ultimately a solid example of the type of expansive and multilayered storytelling that Zenescope is pulling off right now. It’s still very inviting to new readers, but there is a certain payoff involved with following these character’s struggles and seeing how their paths cross.

Vile Creatures
Writer: Dave Franchini
Artist: Dario Tallarico
Colors: Michael Bartolo
Letters: Taylor Esposito (of Ghost Glyph Studios)

What starts out as a mob deal gone wrong in some pub in Philadelphia quickly unravels into a terror-filled night packed with menacing goblins in the second short story. Theo is the restrained yet menacing leader who we follow down this spiral. The story allows us to get a feel for this guy and see just how much he truly deserves the fate just before him. In that tension, this story succeeds quite well.

The last few pages are both violent and twisted, as we see Theo’s abusive tendencies come to light just before his head is torn from his body by the intruding goblins. This moment works uniquely well because of the visuals from the creative team. The artwork is stylized but helps to pull off the overall dark whimsy aesthetic, and treating the goblins like a deranged group of hyenas or piranhas gives them an unpredictable savagery that really brings out the horror elements of the story.

This story is a precursor to the next volume featuring Belle the Beast Hunter, so fans will certainly want to check this one out before June! It’s dark yes, but it’s also just a lot of fun!

Underworld Rising
Writer: Raven Gregory
Artist: Salvatore Cuffari
Colors: Fran Gamboa with J.C Ruiz
Letters: Taylor Esposito (of Ghost Glyph Studios)

The third story in Grimm Universe Presents 2020 is an Ares vs. Hades brawl that will have you at the edge of your seat by the time it’s done. Torn from the Myths & Legends run, these two Gods clash in an epic showdown that is pure beat-em-up spectacle. Who wouldn’t want to see these two go up against one another?

A story of this nature can only work with strong and consistent visuals and luckily, this team pulls it off. With such fast pacing and minimal dialogue, the fight sequences need to be both entertaining and fluid and in this story they are. Hades taking on Ares is a thrilling confrontation that continues a rivalry that fans will surely have a lot of fun with. Is it the most complex story of the bunch? Definitely not, but it doesn’t have to be to still pull off an enjoyable short that will bring over a lot of excitement into the new quarterly installment!

Terror to Come 
Writer: Dave Franchini
Artist: Mario Torrisi
Colors: Grostieta
Letters: Taylor Esposito (of Ghost Glyph Studios)

The penultimate story could be a controversial one due to it’s use of narrative tropes, but it was certainly my personal favorite of the bunch. The current Guardian of the Nexus, Skye, wakes up in an unfamiliar place with strange things happening all around her. Sound shocking? Yeah, not to her either. What follows, however, is an exciting and insightful look into Skye’s mission and capabilities.

Inspired by plenty of classic Grimm stories, this short finds Skye up against a book spilling threats from Rapunzel to the Pied Piper out as some sort of test. This gives the creative team a chance to pull off some magnificent visuals with particularly vivid colors from Grosieta. Skye’s fight is violent but also steeped in mystery until the shocker happens within the final pages…she wakes up!

While I was taken back at first with this reveal, I actually really love the exploration of her psyche with the promise of danger to come. It feels like a worthwhile story that carries over to the flagship ongoing series with both weight and relevance. Skye is a badass character who has such remarkable depth, and this story does a great job at capturing the voice that makes her such an enjoyable lead. It’s also a great backdoor entry into the main series that will certainly have you ready for more!

End of an Era, Birth of a Legend
Writer: Nick Bermel
Artist: Renzo Rodriguez
Colors: Robby Bevard
Letters: Taylor Esposito (of Ghost Glyph Studios)

Okay WOW.

The final story in Grimm Universe Presents 2020 is an absolute doozie!  With a brand new series of his own coming in March, Shang takes the spotlight for a short that both shows his relentless nature as well as the level of power at his control. We follow a young trainee who has gotten herself seemingly in over her head, and after an escape attempt goes awry, her situation takes a turn for the worst before a truly wild reveal happens…

Her name is Hua Mulan! Yes, that Mulan. Zenescope has had success retelling these classic characters in a modern and event adult format, so this feels like a natural step forward. Shang is an intriguing character, having trained even Skye herself, and seeing him get his own series was sure to shake up the Grimm Universe quite a bit. The reveal at the end wasn’t anything I saw coming though!

The artwork in the final story drives home the importance of consistency across a publisher’s lineup. It’s just solid execution that makes the story that much more enjoyable. Brilliant colors and cohesive illustrations help to end the issue on a real high note. There is a LOT to look forward to with all of these characters in the Grimm Universe and as this issue shows, the surprises just keep coming…

Before we complete this comprehensive look into the Grimm Universe Presents 2020 issue, I’d like to give special mention to Taylor Esposito who pulled off wonderful letters on every single story included in this giant book. It’s a huge undertaking that shouldn’t go without acknowledging. From intense action to mysterious developments, the letters punctuate this book in all the right ways, helping to to remain an enjoyable reading experience from the first page to the last.

Grimm Universe Presents 2020 is a magnificent exploration into the ongoing trials and tribulations of the many great characters involved. This issue helps to set the stage for some captivating storytelling to come and delivers some of the best artwork from the publisher in recent memory. Longtime fans wanting more from these characters will find a lot to love, but this issue will be uniquely special for new readers looking for an entry point not just to a certain title, but for the Grimm Universe as a whole.

Pick this book up, you won’t regret it!

Final Thoughts

Grimm Universe Presents 2020 is a magnificent exploration into the ongoing trials and tribulations of the many great characters involved in this connected universe, setting the stage for some truly captivating storytelling to come!

Grimm Universe Presents 2020: New Adventures Await
  • Writing - 9/10
  • Storyline - 9/10
  • Art - 9/10
  • Color - 9/10
  • Cover Art - 9/10
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