Guardians of the Galaxy #11
If you’ve been reading this series, then you know it’s all been leading up to the Guardians of the Galaxy’s big showdown with the Olympian gods. And that battle is gonna be here next month, and this issue is the big “get the band back together/training montage” of the storyline. Author Al Ewing has gone above and beyond for this series, and it really starts to pay off this issue, his ability for long-form storytelling is amazing. If you read The Immortal Hulk, you know this. But this cast is bigger, badder, stranger, and a lot more cosmic in nature and that’s what a Guardians book should be. Ever since it began, Guardians were sort of the “leftovers” of cosmic heroes that combined forces and sought out people in need of help. The same charm carries over into this issue. As Nova gathers up the ream, we get a brief glimpse into where they are all currently in their lives. Some are troubled, some are very much at peace, but beyond all that, when the call is put out, they don’t think twice before they run to their ships ready to put their lives on the lime for people who can’t defend themselves effectively. This issue will get you pumped, primed and ready for the next issues big, bad, fight to the death!!!!! I mean, I really think somebodies gonna die.
Artist Juann Cabal is a very good artist, I just don’t know if this issue is best suited for him He has this amazing dark, brooding, and moody style that I’d love to see on a Punisher book, or Daredevil, or maybe Savage Avengers, but it doesn’t hit a home run in the “cosmic” department. It’s still really good, I was just hoping for really great. Again, the art is NOT bad at all, in my opinion, I think a slight change of style and a slight change in coloring would’ve made this book epic.
Final Thoughts
It's worth your time and money, and it's gonna get you REALLY excited for the big throw-down next issue! I say pick it up!!
Guardians of the Galaxy #11: The Final Countdown (Spoiler-Free EARLY Review!)
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 7/107/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 7/107/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10