Down, but not defeated, Hal and Kyle are now captives of Zod, the Kryptonian Despot should know better, that’s when they work best! Will they get a message out to the Corps? Or will the Guardians KNEEL?
Title: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #38 (Zods Will pt. 2 Rescue Mission)
Writer: Robert Venditti
Art: Ethan van Sciver
Colors: Jason Wright
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Publisher: DC Comics
What You Need to Know:
When Hal and Kyle were called out to the planet Jekuul to investigate an illegal mining operation they got more than they bargained for, this planet is under the control of Zod! Last issue Zod and his family beat the Lanterns senseless, now the duo is being held against their will in Zod’s fortress, it’s not all bad though, it’s almost dinnertime!
What You Need to Know:
The Lanterns wake up in a holding cell in their street clothes, which means Zod has their rings. Despite their captivity, they are both bandaged, Zod wants them alive, or is it their rings he wants? Never mind all that, Zod has invited Hal to dinner!
Hal accepts the offer in an effort to figure out just what is going on, he sits down with the Zod family, Ursa almost immediately starts insulting Hal and the Corps, including Tomar-re, who was supposed to be protecting Krypton when it exploded. Hal argues and is thrown back in jail. What did they think was gonna happen? Have they never met Hal before? Not to mention without Tomar-re the Kryptonians would still be powerless under a red sun, he kind of did them a favor.
As Hal gets back to their cell he talks to Kyle, just because they don’t have their rings doesn’t mean they’re defenseless, Hal created his own ring, just because he isn’t touching it doesn’t mean he can’t use it. These boys are getting out! Kyle is hurt bad (punch in the gut from a Kryptonian will do that) if he doesn’t get help soon it’s gonna get ugly.
What will the Lanterns find deeper in the mine? Pick up a copy of Hal Jordan and the GLC #38 today! You’ll be glad you did.
What Just Happened?
Ok, this arc is a blast so far. Loving Zod and Hal butting heads I’m sure it’s only going to get worse. I will so it was a little funny the way Zod invited him to dinner then kicked him out the moment he disagreed. I did like the way Hal tried to find out what was going one before bailing out with Kyle.
Speaking of Kyle his health isn’t looking great, I do like when a fight against an infinitely more powerful opponent has consequences, like Doomsday carrying Blue Beetle around by his head, should’ve had more lasting effects than it did, but I digress. Kyle got the crap beat out of him by Zod’s wife Ursa, who isn’t as good at controlling her temper as the general is.
The art by Ethan van Sciver is phenomenal, agree with him or not dude is insanely talented and this issue is no exception. I’m pretty excited he’s back as he took some time off of the title, not that any of the other artists were bad I just really like Van Sciver’s take on the Green Lantern Corps, he’s done a ton of stellar work for the character.
Not a ton of action this issue but what we do get is pretty interesting. Love the shot of the ring shooting through Eradicator’s head.
Note: Fans of Venditti’s style check out Damage it’s really fun!
Rating: 8.5/10
Final Thought:
I seriously keep wanting to say kneel before Zod and taking it back. Hard habit to break. Anyway, this arc is a ton of fun so far I hope Venditti isn’t going anywhere I feel like a bunch of my favorite creators are moving on. Sad days.
If anyone ever wants to contact me, look me up in my group for the love of comic books , I also have several comic pages dedicated to my various true loves, Batman, Spider-man, Marvel, Oldie Goldies and Hats! (Long story on that last one haha) or on Twitter @johnbatusijack
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