The Darkstars’ assault on Mogo has begun and the Green Lanterns are the last line of defense between them and slaughtering the inhabitants of one of the largest prisons in the universe.
Title: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #48 (Last Charge pt 1)
Writer: Robert Venditti
Pencils: Rafa Sandoval
Colors: Jordi Tarragona
Colors: Tomeu Morey
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Publisher: DC Comics
What You Need to Know:
The Darkstars have been reborn as a lethal police force ruling the universe with an iron fist, executing criminals left and right with impunity. Now they’ve set their sights on the Sciencells, the Green Lanterns’ prison located on Mogo. The Green Lanterns are the only thing between them and executing one of the largest singular criminal populations left in the universe!
What You’ll Find Out:
We open on the Darkstars in the middle of a full-scale assault on Mogo, opposing them is the vast majority of the 7200 active duty Green Lanterns, who are greatly outnumbered! They begin to push the Darkstars first wave back when they all teleport out of sight, looking for the prison.
We cut to The Four Corpsmen (never letting that go!) with their chosen allies, preparing to take the fight home to the Darkstars, on their home planet! The assault on Mogo is just serving to pull all their forces away from their real resources, The Controllers.
The smaller group begins their assault with the paltry few guards posted up in outer orbit, but it’s like kicking a beehive, before they know what’s happening they’re surrounded by hundreds of Darkstars! Luckily this is a distraction within a distraction, Hal and Hector Hammond are headed into the core of the Darkstar factory
You’ll have to discover the rest of this issue for yourself, pick up a copy of Hal and the Corps #48 today!
What Just Happened?
Man, I really hope this whole arc comes out in an oversized hardcover or something, such a great story it’d be a shame to break it up into 2 books. I’m really excited we’ve made it into an endgame with the Darkstars, I wonder what else they’ve got up their sleeve?
It’s breaking my heart that Venditti is leaving this title, his 50 issue run is one of my favorite Green Lantern runs ever, nothing good lasts forever, though. I’m gonna miss his humor on the title, with some great standout moments! Although I’m unsure of how the transition to one Green Lantern book will run I will say I’m enjoying Dan Jurgens on Green Lanterns as of now, and Grant Morrison is going to be writing a solo Green Lantern title starting in November.
I really like the planning the Green Lanterns are displaying, a triple blind strategy is inspired when outnumbered and outgunned. My only concern with the divide and conquer plan is what happens when the Darkstars realize what Hal and Hector are doing?
I really really want a Guy Gardner and Arkillo Lethal Weapon style miniseries, their friendship is one of the real highlights of Venditti’s run that I’m worried will fall by the wayside after he leaves, I wonder how much Sandoval charges for commissions? Seriously the best.
The pencil work by Rafa Sandoval is fantastic, after dozens of issues he’s one of my favorite Green Lantern artists, his depiction of constructs is perfect, I really love when artists draw good constructs it’s always a letdown when they are generic and boring, I love that each lantern’s constructs are a reflection of their personality, super fun and entertaining.
This book is one of the last bastions of the fantastic sound effects, prominent on nearly every page. The colors and fonts are phenomenal, not sure if that falls on the letterer, the penciler and so forth, so I’ll just say kudos to the art team, this book is a treat to read on all fronts! I really like it when characters are given their own fonts and colors to help differentiate them, it’s a little touch but one that isn’t often used in this day and age.
Rating: 9/10
Final Thought:
Phenomenal end to a great series, these next two issues are going to be great I already know it, I can’t wait to see what happens next!
If anyone ever wants to contact me, look me up in my groups for the love of comic books and New Fans, Old Comics, I also have several comic pages dedicated to my various true loves, Batman, Superman, Sword and Sorcery, Indie Comics, Spider-man, Marvel, Oldie Goldies, and Hats! (Long story on that last one haha) or on Twitter @johnbatusijack
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