Hawkeye Freefall #6
Hawkeye is trying to take down the Hood after witnessing him go free while his henchmen got sent to jail. After an amazing adventure that involved time-travel, some supervillians, and getting outed by the Hood's IT guy, he has to deal with Bullseye, who has dressed as Hawkeye and caused lots of trouble.
This week sucks. Out of the three books that I’m reviewing this week, two are ending. I’m gonna miss Ghostbusters: Year One a whole lot, but honestly, it’s Hawkeye: Freefall most of all. This final issue, number 6, isn’t even getting a proper good-bye, it’s one of the titles that Marvel switched to digital-only during the pandemic. But, I’m here to tell you that it’s going out on a really high note. Author Matthew Rosenberg does what he does best-he writes a comic book that’s secretly a comic book. No stupid leather pants, no stupid backpacks, and no ridiculous hoodies. There’s a good guy, some bad guys, and they all wear costumes. I know I’m not supposed to use the “F” word, but this book is FUN. Yeah, I said it. Rosenberg mixes humor, action, suspense, and manages to mix in a shot of seriousness wrapping up this fantastic story about our favorite archer. It’s a classic Marvel Comic and I don’t think that I could enjoy any more than I did.
Artist Otto Schmidt might be my new favorite Marvel artist. His style is hard to describe, which is good because that means it’s unique. To me, it just conveys action and fun. Every panel is filled with kinetic energy and is such a treat for your eyes. This issue takes place in many locations throughout New York City and he makes each place look unique, yet part of the same city. If I had a complaint, it’s that there’s a couple too many all-white backgrounds for me. It’s not gonna lessen your enjoyment of the book AT ALL, it’s just one of my pet peeves.
Be sure to pick up the trade when it comes out, we need Marvel to know that we want more Hawkeye from this excellent creative team!!
Final Thoughts
This book stands out like a diamond in the rough among the other books on the stands right now. Sadly, this issue isn't going to be on the stands, as it's digital-only. But, on January 5th, 2021 you need to be at your LCS picking this up. Start saving your pennies now!!!
Hawkeye Freefall #6: A Real Comic Book
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 10/1010/10
- Art - 9.5/109.5/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10