Heroes Reborn #7
It's a world without the Avengers. In their place, the Squadron Supreme is America's finest team of superheroes. But, something is a little off about this world. Blade is the only hero that remembers the "right" reality, but he has to convince everybody else.
While this issue’s main story is really good, it’s the second, shorter story that really packs a punch right to the face. But let’s go back to the main story by the series author Jason Aaron, it’s a very cool story with a great surprise cliffhanger ending but it’s a lot more than that. It’s Aaron getting to do a little teasing of both the Marvel Universe and himself. While the story is a forward-moving, next chapter in this saga, Aaron also manages to include some scenes from past “events” that took place in this Avengers-less world like Civil War, Secret Invasion, and more. If you thought they were fun here, our own events are nothing compared to what went on on Earth A- (which is what I’m calling it, because I need to call it something). We get a lot of payoffs that we’ve been waiting a while for as well as answers to some questions that have been blatantly staring us in the face since the first issue. Even though this has been a really cool look at an alternate Earth, what’s coming next is going to be even cooler.
Artist Aaron Kruder will hopefully draw more than one issue. That’s my wish, anyway. He’s a great talent, who quickly changes his style to match the “event” that he’s portraying whether it be “Maximum Carnage” or Civil War, he lays into it making it feel like these events actually happened on this Earth. He gives this whole issue a huge boost in the enjoyment department. You’re gonna feel like a kid again reading about the moments that took place here, how they’re different from the ones we know, but how they also give us a similar feeling as the originals.
Final Thoughts
A fantastic ending (?) to this series and an even better to the events that are coming. Pay special attention to the backup story, as it contains critical information and is also very awesome,
Heroes Reborn #7: Deja Vu
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8.5/108.5/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10