Human Target #2

Christopher Chance now has 11 days to solve his own murder. With almost no leads, it would seem the case of his own death has gone cold…but it’s about to get a whole lot colder. Enter Ice, former member of Justice League International, arriving at Chance’s office with some unexpected information…and mysterious intentions.
Issue #2 of Human Target follows up on day 2 of Christopher Chance’s 12 days to live after being poisoned on the job of pretending to be Lex Luthor and taking an assassination attempt for him. We are introduced to former Justice League International member, Ice, who offers Chance help in ruling out members of the Justice League International as suspects.
Tom King does an excellent job sharing many stories within the issue. King goes in depth on Ice’s origin to past situations in the Justice League International bringing up questions on who may be behind the assassination attempt. King also doesn’t hesitate to set the tone between Christopher Chance and Ice as romance begins to brew. Each character is written with their own personality that shines throughout the issue. Chance pretends to play everything cool while Ice is innocent and tries to be caring. It becomes a duo that I am looking forward to see continue later on in this series. I also really enjoyed the speed and pacing that this issue read through. This issue took the time needed to plant more seeds of possible suspects, while still giving space for the relationship between Chance and Ice to develop.
Greg Smallwood’s art is amazing throughout the issue. I really enjoyed how soft the line work is while still telling a clear story. As loose as his line work gets, it amazes me how tangible facial expressions feel throughout the pages. Smallwood’s choice of vibrant, warm and neon colors is also very interesting. In a gloomy mystery, you would expect gloomy colors; however Smallwood steps outside the box and creates a colorful canvas of panels. It’s incredible how this risk plays off. It keeps everything feeling alive while still managing to keep the dark story’s undertone felt within the panels.
Final Thoughts
This story can definitely be labeled as a noir, despite how colorful and beautiful every page looks. Coming from someone who generally isn’t super into mysteries, this book delivers a fascinating story that is hard to put down from page to page. Between the writing and the art, the tone of this story delivers and everything feels emotionally real, proving Tom King and Greg Smallwood are the perfect team for this series.
Human Target #2
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 10/1010/10
- Art - 10/1010/10
- Color - 10/1010/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10