Ironheart #1

Riri Williams' new series launches with loneliness, an awesome supervillain fight from a disgruntled former Parker Industries employee and an interesting final page! Who are the Ten Rings?
The start of the issue has a tour of Riri's lab with some goodies that are certain to come into play later, predictably something goes haywire and nearly blows someone's head off, maybe a hyper-advanced science lab isn't the best place for sightseeing? Afterward, the dignitaries from the tour are kidnapped by a sound based villain called Clash, a brilliant ex Parker Industries scientist turned wannabe supervillain. As one might expect Riri sciences her way in and takes him down!
Really solid first issue with a layered plot and a worthwhile believable antagonist. Eve Ewing has a decent voice for Riri, I loved the scientific solutions to the problems she faced in and out of costume. This issue hit a note I’ve always liked in Iron Man comics, innovation, when Tony doesn’t have a solution to a problem he invents one.
One problem Riri has is loneliness, as those closest to her are dead. At the beginning of the issue, she mentions building an AI like Tony’s, again inventing the answer go the problem. Then something interesting happens, a phone call from a boy named Xavier, she stops working on the AI. Just thought it noteworthy.
The art by Kevin Lebranda and Luciano Veccho is pretty great, I didn’t notice a single bad panel in the entire book! The panel layouts themselves are also just great, really creatively flowing with the story.
Final Thoughts
A seriously excellent start to what promises to be an interesting series, pick this issue up!
Ironheart #1: Sciencing the ? Out of This!
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9.5/109.5/10
- Color - 10/1010/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10