Jane Foster: Valkyrie #6
Death is sick and dying. When Jane receives a warning from a corpse, she decides to cash in on the favor she earned by saving Dr. Strange’s life. But Death is not a typical patient, so a not typical medical team is needed to treat her. Together with Cardiac, Excalibur, Night Nurse, and Manikan, they need to make a dangerous house call.
Al Ewing and Jason Aaron pull together an eclectic team and write them each with their own distinct voice. Their work continues to shine through the supporting cast, be it the morgue director’s sass and insight or Excalibur’s awkward rambles. The story itself is enjoyable and well written. “Five mid-level super people” versus hordes of Death Minions is a level of fun I need more of in my comics. In comparison, a few pages prior Valkyrie and Strange discuss the philosophical ramifications of Death’s flawless makeup. It’s a combination of high concept and violent conflict that is balanced perfectly.
It would be a lie if I said I didn’t miss CAFU’s art (coincidentally, there are minimal horses this issue). That said, with Pere Perez on art and Jesus Aburtov still on colors, it still makes for a pretty comic, though I am noting a distinct purple theme.
Final Thoughts
Jane Foster: Valkyrie #6 (Ewing, Aaron, Perez, Aburtov) is a nice start to the second arc of Valkyrie’s story that shows us things aren’t slowing down. This series has quickly made its way into one of my must-reads each month.
Jane Foster: Valkyrie #6: Are There Doctors in the House?
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9.5/109.5/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10