Judge Dredd Progs 2171-2173
Mega-City One, 2142 AD. Home to over 140 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America. With unemployment rife and boredom universal, tensions run a constant knife-edge. Crime is rampant, and only the Judges — zero-tolerance cops empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law!
When an alien arrives to collect their ancestor's remains from the Mega-City Museum of Alien Anthropology, a chase ensues that might even be more than Dredd can handle.
In Progs 2171-2173 of Judge Dredd titled The Relic, we follow the arrival of an unusual alien named Qgggl on his way to the Museum of Alien Anthropology which quickly kicks off a high-stakes confrontation with the Law, aka Judge Dredd, and shows that even cultural significance can find value in harsh times.
Without a doubt, Qgggl is one of the stranger aliens we’ve seen featured in a Judge Dredd story, but he isn’t the strangest. The cultural significance of the remains he’s sent to retrieve goes to the heart of this story against the laws of Mega-City One. We see cruelty at nearly every level of operations in the city as Qgggl finds their way through, and even those Dredd really isn’t the focus, there is something interesting at work in these progs.
Oppression isn’t a lost concept on this fascist-driven culture, and the usage of aliens always presents solid opportunities to explore the impact of the Judge’s rule. In The Relic, we are able to transcend the strict realities of Mega-City One and explore some of the more fantastical elements of the series. This is where the story finds its most important success, because yet again, the lines are blurred between who you should be rooting for. It’s this grey area of morality that Dredd stories really come alive.
However, there really isn’t all that much of Dredd. The focus is on Qgggl and his attempts to confiscate this relic of his ancestors and save as many others as possible and Dredd himself fades into the background as just yet another Judge. I would have appreciated more involvement from him, but I also know this story was about more than that. Dredd is the catalyst for urgency in this situation and to that role, he works wonderfully.
The artwork is just fantastic, honestly. Qgggl has an odd sense of likability thanks to their design and I can’t help but think they are the cutest thing ever. This sympathy works well towards the story as we see the situation unravel as well. The impending force of law feels right around the corner and the pacing is all the better for it. These are the types of visuals that will stick with you after reading, and even though it’s mostly just a fun story with little consequences for the Judges, it still knows how to keep you engaged.
With little easter eggs like Tweak and a thoughtful exploration of the impact of such a harsh rule of law and way of life, Judge Dredd progs 2171-2173 prove to be more than worthwhile. It’s an exciting read that will more than likely have you wondering when Qgggl will be returning!
Final Thoughts
Judge Dredd progs 2171-2173 introduce a thoughtful exploration of cultural significance against the impact of such a harsh rule of law and way of life, helping to make this a story any fan will want to check out.
Judge Dredd Progs 2171-2173: The Relic
- Writing - 8.5/108.5/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10