Justice League #46
Spectre’s vengeance continues to spread across the world! In order to put an end to this the Justice League must enter the Pit of Tartarus and find Jim Corrigan. Standing between them and the Pit are the Amazons of Themyscira who feel the League are trespassing.
In the last few issues of this arc we were introduced to monsters of Greek mythology and that the next destination for the League was to be Themyscira. Therefore, I knew going into this issue it had to be Wonder Woman-heavy and Venditti handles this character superbly.
We start with squabbling between the Amazons who are enraged that Diana has brought males onto their sacred land and the League trying to explain the worldwide threat and why their mission to access the Pit is important. The Spectre’s wave of vengeance then reaches the island and sends the Amazons into a frenzy which leads to battle with the Justice League. The next part is great as because these are Diana’s people we see John Stewart calling upon her to lead the team on how to deal with the assault and it leads to some great action and leadership from Wonder Woman that fans of hers will love.
Overall that’s what this comic feels like: a boast of Diana’s leadership and even strength at one stage as we see her lifting a boulder overhead that was blocking the Pit that the entire team including Superman was struggling to move (hmm.. instead of a debate on what Venditti was thinking here I am happy just to put that down to Diana’s rage after the discovery of her fallen sisters just before this moment and move on).
Also, there was a cool moment were John Stewart manifested the entire Green Lantern Corps to stop the Amazons from attacking each other! Venditti surely showing his love for his previous hit run here.
We end with the League discovering a half grey-haired Jim Corrigan who says he’s been in the Pit for twenty years and Tartarus, the First God of Hell, claiming that he will be free at last now that the ancient seal stands open. Enough to have me excited for the next issue.
Final Thoughts
This issue is the common mid-arc issue it was very fast paced and straightforward with plenty of action shots which Xermanico and Robson Rocha illustrate superbly! I hope to see them on this book more. Venditti continues to build a nice premise here with some entertaining moments threw in keeping the book very engaging for the reader.
Justice League #46 “Justice League A…dvance?”
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 7.5/107.5/10
- Art - 8.5/108.5/10
- Color - 7/107/10
- Cover Art - 7.5/107.5/10