Justice League #49
After the Vermidiim declare war on planet Trotha with that devastating attack, the League now must regroup, prepare for the inevitable attack whilst also trying to help the now leaderless Trotha, as these events spiral out of control Batman uncovers a shocking truth!
Writer Si Spurrier built a good platform for his Sci-Fi Justice League venture, this follow up issue excels this tale further with an interestingly eccentric method.
The League is now faced with whether or not to stand in as leaders of this planet in peril, the writing is inspiring here as whilst there is an imminent threat of the the Vermidiim on the horizon it unintentionally delegates that threat to take a backseat, instead showing that the real battle is internal between rogue factions and the League trying to aid a planet they know nothing about inadvertently having them appear as a threat to the Trotha population.
Seemingly led by Superman the League makes that decision to take charge to try and save this planet from any further self-destruction meanwhile we Wonder Woman who disagrees with this choice confiding in Trothas former ruler Empress Siddinix. Diana and Batman seeks to learn more about the race while the rest of the League patrol the alien planet frustratingly doing more harm than good.
We get a nice blend of stories with Diana telling a tale of ‘Myth-times’ that mirrors exactly what the Justice League are currently experiencing with Trotha with the moral of the story being sometimes no leader is better than the wrong leader.
As we near the end of the issue, the attack on Trotha commences and with the League as first line of defense seemingly besting the onslaught all while Batman uninvolved in the fight makes the discovery that the two different factions were sent by the Empress to the Vermidiim last month to strike a deal for safe passage before he is struck down by the Empress’s lackeys now opening more mystery and a possible set up all along for the league going into the final chapter.
Final Thoughts
We got a lot of more dialogue compared to action in this latest installment. With that being said, this is a superior issue compared to the previous, which is a big statement from myself as I usually thrive for the action within these titles. Si Spurrier does a brilliant job intensifying the plot in this issue to set up an intriguing finale that will keep us guessing.
Justice League #49: Steep Learning Mistakes!
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 7.5/107.5/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 8.5/108.5/10