Justice League Odyssey #10

Split into teams of two (Jessica/Azrael and Starfire/Cyborg), the heroes continue setting about doing Darkseid's bidding and gathering relics. Along the way, the face various Legacy Weapons and Demons, barely defeat them, and then acquire the relics. With all ten of the relics now in their possession and only controllable by Cyborg, it is time to meet with, and betray, Darkseid. Along the way, though, tensions arise among the team regarding whether Kori and Jean Paul can be trusted to follow through or if they are merely being control by Darkseid.
Another month, another issue of Justice League Odyssey, another review. The shifts in characterization continue to be explained away as “maybe they’re controlled by Darkseid” but seem likely to turn out just to be convenience by Abnett to create a false tension among a team that he did not choose and clearly is not terribly thrilled to be writing. The art, coloring, and lettering, as it has been, is proficient if not mind-blowing. This book is difficult to get a handle on because it doesn’t do anything terribly, but in the end, it’s so boring that it is very difficult to enjoy. The harder I seem to look for things to enjoy, the more I find terrible jokes, oddly designed creatures (the Legacy Weapons in this issue were aesthetically unappealing in every way imaginable), and characters that feel nothing like themselves. Jessica is lacking her defining anxiety, Cyborg and Starfire have come to feel like they’re old acquaintances rather than family, and Azrael is all over the place. On the bright side, this issue featured some major moments of plot acceleration that lead me to think it may be wrapping up at #12, so there’s that to look forward to.
Final Thoughts
Justice League Odyssey #10 is yet another lackluster showing in which very little happens, but what does happen is discussed at length with no conclusions drawn.
Justice League Odyssey #10: Treasure Hunt
- Writing - 3/103/10
- Storyline - 3/103/10
- Art - 6/106/10
- Color - 6/106/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10