Justice League Odyssey #11

The issue begins with Luthor and Brainiac discussing Darkseid, with Luthor wanting to track him down and bring him into the Legion of Doom and Brainiac assuring him that Darkseid is no longer in play, just to ensure the right to put the "Year of the Villain: The Offer" banner on this book.

[CMXDB784607] Justice League Odyssey 011-003.jpg
The heroes plan feels ill-thought through and haphazard. So does this entire series. Throughout most of the “Year of the Villain” tie ins, the actual offer moments of the book have seemed forced into the issue, however in this case, it actually managed to be the most interesting part of yet another dull issue. Yes, for a change of pace things actually happened in this issue but none of them made much sense or seemed to have any sort of weight to them as this series meanders towards its inevitable end. The art continues to be pretty solid but I can’t help but feel like there are other, better written books at DC that are in need of better artists (Hawkman, currently?) and these talents are being wasted on a book that I’ve yet to hear anybody have anything good to say about.

[CMXDB784607] Justice League Odyssey 011-023.jpg
Final Thoughts
In case you forgot, Justice League Odyssey is still a thing.
Justice League Odyssey #11: Hello Darkseid, My Old Friend
- Writing - 5/105/10
- Storyline - 2/102/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 6/106/10