Justice League Odyssey #8
Azrael, Starfire, Cyborg, and Jessica Cruz interrogate Darkseid about what his plan really is and discover that the entire universe is in danger. Darkseid claims that the only way to stop what is happening is by building an arc and riding it out to rebuild anew. Or something. The "team" bickers but Starfire decides that its possible that if they can save the Ghost Sector then they can figure out how to save everything else.
Blackfire and her armies arrive to do away with the "false gods" and Darkseid Boom Tubes Cyborg away to help him recover the other artifacts he needs to do whatever it is he is going to do.
This book is quite pretty. I’ll give it that. Sampere’s art is really wonderful all the way through.
Abnett has a history of writing rich stories in the vein of the space opera. His Guardians of the Galaxy run with Andy Lanning was remarkable. When Williamson left/was taken off of JLO, I’m certain the powers-that-be had that GotG run in mind as they handed this book to Abnett. Unfortunately, Williamson’s run was so, for lack of a better term, wacky, Abnett’s style couldn’t possibly mesh and make this book remotely interesting. The team is populated by members who are typically bland (with some exceptions depending on the writer and focus, of course) and Abnett does not manage to make them interesting here. I’m not faulting Abnett here. He found himself in a really terrible situation and is doing the best he can with what he was handed but this book is one that Williamson needed to either see to its conclusion or let it be cancelled– which I’m pretty certain it will be before long.
Final Thoughts
Justice League Odyssey is the most skipable Justice League series in decades. Bland characters, bland story. But the art is really nice.
Justice League Odyssey #8: Why?
- Writing - 2/102/10
- Storyline - 1/101/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10