Justice League Odyssey #9

The search for the ancient artifacts continues as Azrael finds strength in faith. With Darkseid abandoning Cyborg, it is up to Vic to recover the artifact on his own.
Which he does and receives higher hit points and some treasure as his reward. When he re-unites with his party, Starfire, Azrael, and Starfire seem to be on a path towards embracing their destinies in the Ghost Sector while Jessica Cruz remains extremely skeptical.
I’m not sure how the stakes could feel this low in a series that, in theory, will determine the fate of life in the entire universe, but low they feel. The art in this series is solid but the story is, as I’ve said time and again, so needless. I can’t bring myself to feel invested in any of the events or the characters as it slowly lunges towards an inevitable ending in which each character realizes they had the strength/courage/brains/heart in them all along.
One interesting point was this speech from the now “divine-speaking” Azrael:
Perhaps I’m over analyzing the speech in a desperate search for meaning in an otherwise dull read, but it would seem Abnett is using the Ghost Sector as a metaphor for comics fandom. With fandom becoming more and more an “Us vs. Them” environment, there seems to be a veiled call to unite within the sanctuary of comics here. Or maybe it is just my imagination running wild.
Final Thoughts
Justice League Odyssey #9 is a comic book!
Justice League Odyssey #9: Darkseid Wuz Here
- Writing - 2/102/10
- Storyline - 2/102/10
- Art - 7/107/10
- Color - 7/107/10
- Cover Art - 6/106/10