John Stewart has been recruited into the Ultraviolet Lantern Corps against his will, what does that even mean?! Let me know what you think, also who is that baby? Grodd seemed impressed.
Title: Justice League #3 (The Totality pt 3)
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Jorge Jimenez
Colors: Alexandro Sanchez
Letters: Tom Napolitano
Publisher: DC Comics
What You Need to Know:
The league has reformed around new leader the Martian Manhunter, immediately they have been inflicted with (or given?) a seed of cosmic energy from the source wall, called the Totality. So far all attempts to reach the seed have resulted in people being grotesquely mutated. (if you call Killer Croc “people” anyway) A last-ditch effort is being made by Superman and Martian Manhunter, with Batman and Hawkgirl fantastic voyaging inside them to combat mutation. Only trouble is they’re not the only ones interested in the Totality, Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom are right behind them, or inside them!
What You’ll Find Out:
We open on a mysterious figure in the past, as he wanders the wastes, Thaal Sinestro looks for answers in the past as an archaeologist, he discovers something incredible but is cut short by a green streak across the sky calling him to his destiny. We cut to present day, Ultraviolet John Stewart is utilizing the Justice League’s own apathy and self-doubt against them, taking down multiple members in quick succession. Luckily the emo lantern is overcome by a strange looking beam from Cyborg, hypersonics maybe? They can distract Lanterns and interfere with their constructs sometimes. (recently shown in the Controllers arc of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps) The league stands beside their fallen teammate wondering how they can help him.
We move on to Martian Manhunter and Superman, fighting monsters mutated from desert creatures that got too close to the cosmic energy, unfortunately as they fight their protective suits are torn to pieces and they are left within the totality’s protective field with no protection but their miniature teammates inside them!
The League is up against a lot more than they bargained for, read the issue for yourself and find out!
What Just Happened? (minor spoilers)
Man, this arc has been a blast, I’m so glad to have Luthor returned to a level of cartoonish super-villainy not seen since the bronze age. (he once rigged a woman to explode with a weaponized virus in order to suck superman into the phantom zone) Likewise, the characterization across the board is rock solid, with many characters I’m not positive Snyder has written before sounding off pitch perfect. Strangely the one divergence from character is the one character Snyder has the most experience writing, it’s so super minor but Batman calls Superman Clark over comms while inside him, it’s so silly but the sheer number of times I’ve seen a bat family member say “no real names in costume!” means I have to say something.
I do wish the Ultraviolet spectrum was better fleshed out, I will say in a biggest nerd in the room tone that it does bother me a little that the hate and fear color is ultraviolet, as it was stated in Johns’ Green Lantern run that the higher wave patterns on the spectrum are the “good” lanterns such as White, Indigo, Blue, Green (in descending order of light intensity) with the ones on the far ends of the spectrum (red, indigo) being hard to control and overriding the willpower of the user. My issue being that the ultraviolet lantern should be on the high (good) end of the spectrum, the evil version of which would be infrared, which is lower than red on the light intensity scale.
I am very interested to see what lies in the Totality, it seems like we’re getting closer to finding something or other out, I have a feeling it’s going to play into the upcoming teams we’re splitting into. I’m excited about JLD!
The art in this issue is phenomenal, with a splash page towards the end (pictured below) being downright poster worthy. My only nitpick is I wish the ultraviolet constructs were a bit more inventive, it’s mostly because I’m a fancy construct fan haha. I did greatly enjoy the mutated desert creatures, I’m a fan of evil mutant monsters within the genre though.
The end of this issue did yield a bit of a surprise I won’t spoil here, but the next issue should be phenomenal.
I love the inclusion of the white martians at the end, proving once again my statement that Snyder is this generations Grant Morrison.
*end spoiler!*
Rating: 9/10
Final Thought: I do enjoy it when the start of a new series seems to serve a purpose, rather than just being a gimmick for a quick buck. This arc so far feels like a good jumping on point for a new reader, but different and interesting enough to keep a seasoned veteran interested. Great book.
If anyone ever wants to contact me, look me up in my groups for the love of comic books and New Fans, Old Comics, I also have several comic pages dedicated to my various true loves, Batman, Superman, Sword and Sorcery, Indie Comics, Spider-man, Marvel, Oldie Goldies, and Hats! (Long story on that last one haha) or on Twitter @johnbatusijack
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