Knight Terrors Wonder Woman #2

THE JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK AGAINST NIGHTMARES COME TO LIFE! After investigating an alarming intrusion at the now-defunct Hall of Justice, Wonder Woman and her unexpected new ally, Detective Chimp, suddenly find themselves in a world where their worst nightmares come to life. Who could possibly defeat these things that go bump in the night? The Justice League Dark! The Amazon Princess reunites with her old team to save the world from a sweet dream turned into a beautiful nightmare! Plus, Queen Nubia finds herself trapped in the Well of Souls!
It’s the finale to the Knight Terrors Wonder Woman two-parter chapter by Josie Campbell and Juan Ferreyra, as well as Queen Nubia’s adventure with the well of horrors in a story of terror, despair, and ultimately hope, will these two tales of terror stack up to their first installments?
The first story of this two-part issue starts shaky, at least for the Campbell and Ferreyra chapter, because despite being labeled as a Wonder Woman tale, it felt more like a Justice League Dark story because Bobo the Detective Chimp and John Constantine seemed to suck all of the oxygen out of the story, as it felt like the story revolved around these two than Wonder Woman, fortunately, that wasn’t the case with this issue.
The story focuses on Wonder Woman and digs into who she is when dealing with these nightmare-esque scenarios. She is a Demi-goddess, who will one day outlive those she loves the most, but that does not deter her from giving her heart entirely to those she cherishes the most. That’s not who she is. She is the goddess of truth, and the truth is that her kindness, love, and compassion are open to any of those willing to accept it, and it’s this little nugget that stood out to me the most throughout these two issues. Josie Campbell shows that despite the rocky first issue that felt more like a JLD comic knows her stuff n knows just who Wonder Woman is and why she will always persevere regardless of the odds.
Juan Ferreyra is back on art with this issue, which turns out to be very serviceable. Still, his style is a rather stark departure from what is usually associated with him. His work from the Green Arrow Rebirth era book, or even what he gave us towards the end of the Nick Spencer Amazing Spider-Man run, is scratchier here. More rough and hardly resembles the glossy and slick style we’ve become accustomed to. Did he change up his style for this story? If so, give him mad props, as it played well with the tropes that Campbell’s using, making it a perfect companion to the story.
Final Thoughts
The final chapter of Wonder Woman, with Justice League Dark mates, Bobo and Constantine, face the horrors that Insomnia has cooked up for them, and the creative team really dug into what makes Diana who she is. Hopefully this is a trial run for a run on JLD, because this team would really excel with them.
Knight Terrors Wonder Woman #2: Darkness falls across the land…
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 9.5/109.5/10