As Christian and Iceman create a mutant band aid in the Arctic, Kate and Shinobi divvy out mission parameters. And even as Homines Verendi make their presence known in Madripoor, a depowered Storm will not be beaten and makes her mark. But when a new union of hate is formed the Marauders may not be able to save the day.
So New Years Day and right off the starting block we are launched into a full on hate offensive, with X-Cutioner joining forces with Hatemonger. I had to wonder if Sebastian was playing with a bit of double dealing here, but given his own son was the one sent in I don’t feel this is the case. The last thing he would want was for Emma’s team to be the ones to save Shinobi, thus risking him losing face. I think his skulking was more down to the fact he felt the ‘milk run’ was not worth his efforts and that events unfold in a way he disapproved of and he isn’t happy his son needs saving from X-Cutioner and Hatemonger.
It’s not an accident that we see these two contentious niche individuals buddying up; and it cleverly points the finger of ridicule at them both and their insecurity. Misery loves company, and if your ethos of hate isn’t being embraced by the wider world, what better way to increase your small minded opinion than find similarly hateful individuals to boost your belief in yourself and try to justify that foul ethos.
But then we have the balancing effect of the unification of Bobby and Christian, diametrically opposing that sentiment. These two are clearly involved in more than just sightseeing and repair work in the Arctic. First there was Simon, then the possibility of Daken, now moving on to Christian. There is a lot of shipping going on for Bobby these days and I don’t mind this one at all as they get pally on the Mercury…loving the name by the way, probably because like it’s pilot this submarine rises from the depths… So we now have all the boat names. Marauder, Mercury and…Upstart? This last one doesn’t surprise me in the least, it is perfectly fitting for Shinobi and throws back to his beginnings.
It’s good to see Matteo Lolli return and Lucas Werneck is again perfectly in tune with the characterisation this issue and the expressive art is shown to it’s fullest once again. From Emma’s sneery look while talking about Shinobi, to Iceman scowling at Christian about calling Kate Kitty and even Kate herself showing visible signs of stress whilst phasing the Marauder. Christian is also a delight and his the artistic team ensure the décor reflects his personality to perfection. As does the clutter of Kate’s Red Keep. His clean edges and minimalist surroundings are in total contrast to her eclectic mess of a mess.
And first Christian and Bobby and then Emma and Kate raise the subject of Kate’s vulnerability to death. I hope this isn’t leading to something dire. Given that death holds little threat for mutants any more, it is somewhat highlighting her precarious position and I feel a little overprotective of her now. And I don’t feel Kate’s wondering about her decision to join Xavier back in the day is at all disrespectful or even out of character. Surely we all in life ponder what if? It’s part of human nature, especially for someone who is going through some growth, as her name change has already implied. It simply means she balances up her life and evaluates things. Not that she wishes otherwise. And Emma sums it up perfectly.
It is nice to see more Krakoan text here as well. Sebastian walking through the Madripoor gate is one thing, but now more Krakoan is spoken, this time with Emma giving Kate a drinking salute. Though the use of Gaelic being then translated to Krakoan? How does that then sound? And surely the text should still be slainte? Where last issue we had Kate going for the offensive this issue it’s Storm. And if we were in any doubt that this is our girl she does what she does best. Despite being denied her birthright she is not the least bit phased. Even stripped of her power she shows her true strength. After all, she was coming to terms with being powerless before it was even a thing.
Overall I find Gerry Duggan gives voice to each character well, and despite the short shift of Storm last issue he has fully redeemed himself this time round and all is forgiven. The action progresses naturally and build up to the confrontation was well paced and not thoughtlessly crammed in between the introspection and discussion that takes place throughout. The obvious build up of the worry about Kate, with her allies treading carefully around their reasons for being with her does a solid job of informing of motivation while also drip feeding the will-she won’t-she dilemma she faces. And another stunning cover from Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson, showing Bobby and Christian to their full potential. Loved every part of this issue.
Final Thoughts
Going right for the jugular this issue. Full on offensive on all fronts, with some signposting of future planning and I couldn’t be happier.
Marauders #5: One In The Eye For Hate
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10