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MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS #3: Interludes, Hard Terrible Truths and Bad Dreams



Artist(s): Paulo Siqueira, Oren Junior, Daniel Acuna, Ray-Anthony Height

Colorist(s): Frank D'Armatta, Jay David Ramos

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Genre: Superhero

Published Date: 03/27/2019


The Vigil Pt 3

After helping a sorceress banish a demon during WWII. Every ten years Wolverine is called upon to help repeat the process of keeping the demon from remaining on our plane less it destroy the world. The last time was 1954 when Wolverine helped the young daughter, Sophie, of the sorceress, defeat the Demon known as The Truth in China. Ten years on the demon cleverly emerges in a place it thinks will destroy its enemies...

The Civil Rights Movement

Captain America comes face to face with segregation and discrimination in Mississippi 1964 and learns that sometimes fists thrown with the best of intentions can cause more problems than solutions.

Heart of a Spider

SpiderMan finds himself in the wrestling ring confronted by part of his past as he faces off once again against Crusher Hogan. The question is: How did he get there and why is  Brother Voodoo involved?


The Vigil Pt3

The third installment in this ongoing story sees Logan and sorceress Sophie once again come face to face with the demon called The Truth in the Nevada desert during a nuclear test in 1962. The story really isn’t in the confrontation, which is deftly dealt with in a double page spread by the art team, but more about what happens in the wake of that battle as Sophie transports Logan and herself to Paris for an interlude after the battle. Sophie question Logans’ life view before a romantic interlude which proves mysteriously not to be as spontaneous as it seems. The writing from Soule is good and so is the art from Siqueira and the team who do well to depict a younger Logan. The story takes a step forward but at the same time still maintains a sense of mystery about itself and is for me the best Wolverine yarn Soule has written to date.

The Civil Rights Movement

Very much my favorite installment in this issue, Captain America is found injured in a barn in Mississippi by an African American couple. when Cap steps in to protect the couple from an intimidation mob he learns that stepping in, to ” help” people when there is an immediate threat can have consequences that others end up paying for because he cannot be there all the time to protect everyone. The writing is superb, frank and incisive and the art matches the tone and subject perfectly in a very realistic grounded story about racism at a dark time in American history. The writing combined with excellent art by Daniel Acuna makes a powerful statement about how one can view oneself as being the hero when there is a clear enemy but how quickly things muddy when the enemy is the insidious and racist deeds of your own people in your own country. It doesn’t offer any clear answers but its execution is flawless and the issue alone is worth owning just for this cutting and beautifully realized vignette. Seeing Cap struggle with this dilemma is powerful and thought-provoking and the historical references in the story are a stark reminder of a time many would rather forget but as human beings, we never should.

Heart of a spider

Spider-Man finds himself stuck in a deadly dream spell that could be his undoing as Dr.Druid seeks ” the heart of a spider” for nefarious means. With the help of Brother Voodoo and working through his own feelings of guilt about some of the mistakes he has made in the past Spidey is able to defeat Crusher Hogan once again in the wrestling ring while Dr. Voodoo deals with the Dr.Druid. It’s a fun well-written piece with colorful and dynamic art from the Ray Anthony-Height, Nate Lovett and colorist Jay David Ramos. There is some good humor writing and Igleheart has no problem capturing Spidey’s voice.

Final Thoughts

Issue three of MCP is a solid installment. The Captain America story is worth the price of admission alone but it's accompanied by a really interesting ongoing Wolverine story and a fun Spider-man piece which makes it a great read from start to finish.

MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS #3 : Interludes, Hard Terrible Truths and Bad Dreams
  • Writing - 8/10
  • Storyline - 7/10
  • Art - 8/10
  • Color - 8/10
  • Cover Art - 8/10
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