Marvel Team-Up #2

Looks like trouble for our hero, Spider-Man, also known as Kamala Khan. Er...wait. We mean Ms. Marvel, also known as Peter Parker. Dang, that’s not right either. Peter Khan? Kamala Parker? Well, whoever it is, this duo isn’t feeling so dynamic at the moment, and they need to work it out fast.
So, I’ll be honest. The body swap “freaky friday” stories are generally harder to peak my interest. It’s a concept that has been explored to almost the point of being overdone. Despite this, the creative team has somehow found both an original and interesting take on the cliche and are using it to tell a really great story about Ms. Marvel and Spidey.
I was hesitant going into the second issue of Marvel Team-Up, but it turned out to be quite a pleasant surprise. The not-so-dynamic duo are swapping back and forth seemingly at random throughout the day and it is creating chaos in both of their lives. This gives the creative team an opportunity to explore the impact of this effect in both their normal daily routine and their superhero antics.
At the core of this story, we find that we are learning about both Kamala and Peter on a fundamental level by seeing how they react to both one another and their predicament. While its of course fun to watch them fight baddies and learn new powers, the heartfelt nature of the issue is derived from the character interactions and their penchant for humor.
The artistic direction is what takes this solid story and makes it truly enjoyable though. Everything from the consistent character depictions to the lettering and even a unique color palette all bring the issue together in a great way.
Although we may not be wrapping up the body swap story immediately, I’m genuinely interested to see how this story plays out.
On to issue #3!
Final Thoughts
Marvel Team-Up #2 isn't a groundbreaking story by any means, but it is tons of fun! Packed with plenty of heart and humor, this is a solid comic that is sure to entertain.
Marvel Team-Up #2: Why Am I You Again?
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9.5/109.5/10