Hellions #18: Goodbye
Hellions #18
I’m really sad to see this series come to an end. However, this finale was great. It was both funny and emotional that makes it even harder to see this series end.
DetailsHellions #18
I’m really sad to see this series come to an end. However, this finale was great. It was both funny and emotional that makes it even harder to see this series end.
DetailsMarvel Voices Comunidades #1
We examine Marvel Voices: Comunidades #1 and what it says about the role of history and culture for #Marvel’s Latinx characters. @TerryBlas @JuliusOhta @erickarciniega @ElOzymandias @wiltonarts @ericaharrell @ArtPaco @CommentAiry
DetailsMarvel Voices Comunidades #1
We examine Marvel Voices: Comunidades #1 and what it says about identity for #Marvel’s Latinx characters. @JulioAnta #EnidBalam @orenjunior_inks @toonfed @adcfanboy @Ariotstorm @JoseMarzan @BryanValenza @YMercado #MauroFodra #FernandoSifuentes
DetailsMarvel Voices Comunidades #1
We examine Marvel Voices: Comunidades #1 and what it says about community for #Marvel’s Latinx characters. @djolder, @GermanPeralta10, #JesusAbutov @Amparo_Ortis, @CaioMajado, @Donosphere @CommentAiry
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We have #CaptainMarvel vs Captain Marvel, but who’s going to come out on top? @79semifinalist & @sergiodavila007 are ready to unleash the #titans with everyone who has used the moniker of #Marvel is at stake!
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DetailsX-Men Trial of Magneto #4
What is Even Going on? Does Anyone know? #ScarletWitch’s identity crisis continues, two answers are tossed our way, and the Trial of #Magneto is starting to feel like the comic book version of #WandaVision that no one asked for.