Excalibur #22: No Peace
Excalibur #22
Excalibur #22 (@TiniHoward @erickarciniega @marcusto @CommentAiry ) finds the team dealing with the aftermath of a sacrifice and issues brewing up in Saturnyne’s Court! @Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsExcalibur #22
Excalibur #22 (@TiniHoward @erickarciniega @marcusto @CommentAiry ) finds the team dealing with the aftermath of a sacrifice and issues brewing up in Saturnyne’s Court! @Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsX-Corp #3
Despite some flaws, X-Corp #3 continues the macro analysis of corporate decision making in the era of #Krakoa, bringing all the tension, uncertainty, highs, lows and consequences of both the business world can deliver. @TiniHoward @sunnygho @Marvel #XMen
DetailsWay of X #4
Way of X #4 (@sispurrier @RobertJQ @javiertartaglia #ClaytonCowles) is a deep, interesting, philosophical work, rife with jokes, adventure – and a few near-fatal flaws. @Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man Sinister War #1
In The Amazing Spider-Man Sinister War #1 (@NickSPencer #MarkBagley @JoeCaramagna @ReberVision @AndyOwensArt #JohnDell #AndrewHennessy) Spidey’s attacked on all sides-and I mean ALL SIDES-by just about all of his Rogue’s Gallery!!
DetailsThor #15
Thor #15 ( @Doncates @Michele_Bandini @ElisabettaDAm12 @COLORnMATT @JoeBeans) is a thoughtful and visually arresting read. Offering readers a much-needed look at Thor’s fears, it also sets the stage with plenty of intrigue for the future! @Marvel
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man Annual #2
In Amazing Spider-Man Annual #2 (Pacheco, Carlini, Arciniega ) Spider-Man helps new hero/villain Star get back on the right track. Will it work? @Marvel #Spiderman #InfiniteDestinies
DetailsRunaways #37
Runaways #37 ( #RainbowRowell #AndresGenolet @deezoid) gives fans a beautiful silent issue that builds on the relationships of our favorite Runaways! @Marvel
DetailsStar Wars Bounty Hunters #14
In Star Wars Bounty Hunters #14 ( @ethanjsacks @paolovillanelli #TravisLanham #ArifPianto ) Valance and Dengar go on the offense to try and get to Han Solo but have to make a quick 180 when some surprise guests show up. #StarWars @Marvel
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man #70
What time is it? It’s time for the prelude to the SINISTER WAR in Amazing Spider-Man #70! Spidey’s biggest epic over the course of this 3-year run! #NickSpencer & #FredericoVicentini are here to kick it off before the fireworks start! @Marvel #SpiderMan
Extreme Carnage Alpha #1 (@PhillipKJohnson @Marc_Deering #ManuelGarcia #CamSmith #RobertoPoggi #Guru-ex #TravisLanham) The Summer of Symbiotes starts here and now with Extreme Carnage #1! @Marvel #Carnage
DetailsX-Force #21
X-Force #21 (@Benjamin_Percy @joshuacassara , #RobertGill, and Guru-eFX) in this explosive issue the team uncovers a mystery and WAIT, is that Man-Thing!? @Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsThor and Loki: Double Trouble #4
Thor and Loki: Double Trouble #4 (Tamaki, Gurihiru, Maher) effortlessly sustains the energy and playfulness of previous issues. Disappointingly, its charm is undermined by a subtle but pervasive undercurrent of transphobia. #Marvel #Loki #Thor