Champions #6: Killer App!
Champions #6
Champions #6 (@weredawgz @LucianoVecchio @Toonfed) delivers an issue where the Champions begin to lay the groundwork to take down Roxxon! #Marvel
DetailsChampions #6
Champions #6 (@weredawgz @LucianoVecchio @Toonfed) delivers an issue where the Champions begin to lay the groundwork to take down Roxxon! #Marvel
DetailsBlack Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #2
In Black Knight: The Curse of the Ebony Blade #2 ( @sispurrier @SergioDavila007 #SeanParsons #ArifPrianto @ClaytonCowles ) we get an in-depth history lesson that’s really entertaining and well done. Ya heard me! #Marvel
DetailsS.W.O.R.D. #5
S.W.O.R.D. #5 (@Al_Ewing @ValerioSchiti @martegracia @CommentAiry ) is an irresistible combination of beautiful art and smart, ethically complex storytelling that surprises and thrills in equal measure! #Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man #64
In Amazing Spider-Man #64 ( #NickSpencer @FedeVice_Art @Sinccolor @JoeCaramagna ) Spidey starts his search for many things and if he manages to find ANYTHING, it’ll take a miracle! #Marvel #SpiderMan
DetailsX-FORCE #19
X-Force #19 (@BenjaminPercy @GarryBoom @JoeCaramagna) is a solid installment that neatly wraps up a story of personal growth for Quinten Quire using several horror elements to spice up the story! @Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsWay of X #1
Way of X #1 (@sispurrier #BobQuinn @javiertartaglia @ClaytonCowles) does what comics are supposed to do builds a world, and nails the characterization — and what many of them have forgotten how to do. @Marvel #XMen #Krakoa #WayOfX
DetailsSpider-Woman #11
Join @thekarlapacheco and @pereperez as they take Jessica Drew for a wild ride in Spider-Woman #11. You won’t regret picking this title up! #Marvel
DetailsThe Mighty Valkyries #1
The Mighty Valkyries #1 ( @jasonaaron @gronbekk @MattiaIulis @Erica_Durso @Menyz @JoeSabino ) begins two exciting Asgardian adventures. The primary tale is mouthwateringly cinematic, but both have tantalizing secrets urging readers to return. #Marvel
DetailsNon-Stop Spider-Man #2
In Non-Stop Spider-Man #2 ( @JoeKellyMOA @ShadeX6 #TimTownsend #AlVey #WayneFaucher @Menyz) Spidey’s on the RUN trying to find some drugs so he can save some lives!!! #SpiderMan #MarvelComics
DetailsIron Man #8
Marvel’s Iron Man is a book that has defaulted on all of its promises to the reader, and has left us disappointed, wondering what could have been. #Marvel #IronMan
DetailsDaredevil #29: Warden Threw a Party at the County Jail
In Daredevil #29 ( @Zdarsky @MChecC @ClaytonCowles @Menyz) while Matt fights a killer tumy ache in prison, the rest of the world is really, really busy. #Daredevil #MarvelComics
DetailsThor #14
Thor #14 (@Doncates @NicKlein @COLORnMATT @JoeSabino) is a brutal read worth every Thor fan’s time. Visceral & striking, it always puts its characters — who they have been and who they are becoming — above all else.