Venom #200: Spirit in Black
VENOM #200
THE END! What does the future hold for Eddie and Venom? Strap in and hold on for VENOM #200! @Doncates @PhillipKJohnson @RyanStegman #Frank Martin #Claton Cowles #Marve #Venom #comics
DetailsVENOM #200
THE END! What does the future hold for Eddie and Venom? Strap in and hold on for VENOM #200! @Doncates @PhillipKJohnson @RyanStegman #Frank Martin #Claton Cowles #Marve #Venom #comics
DetailsX-Corp #2
X-Corp #2 tightens the pacing and narrows the focus a bit thanks in part to the #HellfireGala, maintaining the intriguing potential of the series, but might not be enough to hook uncertain readers. @TiniHoward @AlbertoFoche @sunnygho #ClaytonCowles #Marvel
PLANET-SIZED X-MEN #1 ( @GerryDuggan @PepeLarraz @martegracia ) delivers thoroughly on its namesake in an issue of jaw-dropping ambition in a stunning show of how far beyond the old tropes we have come as mutantkind continues it’s ascendance! @Marvel #XMen
DetailsDemon Days Mariko #1
Demon Days Mariko #1 is a thrilling page turner right until the very end. And while the story is wonderful, the artwork continues to pull you in with each step of the way.
@peachmomoko60 @ZachDavisson @CommentAiry #Marvel
Children of the Atom #4
Children of the Atom #4 (Ayala, Medina, Curiel, Lanham) is a more disjointed issue, that feels like it hasn’t quite landed where it wanted, but whose impact will likely depend on where the story goes next.
DetailsHeroes Reborn #6
In Heroes Reborn #6 ( @jasonaaron @Erica_Durso @ed_mcguinness @mark_morales11 ) Power Princess takes center stage as the Avengers show up in (almost) full force! @Marvel
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man #68
Be here for Amazing Spider-Man #68 as #NickSpencer @edbrisson @marc_ferreira and a murderers row of talent bring you this next chapter in #ChameleonConspiracy from @marvel #SpiderMan
DetailsX-Men #21
In X-Men #21, the Hellfire Gala continues courtesy #JonathanHickman @NickDragotta @rdauterman @sarapichelli & announces the new team in a marvelous stylishly drawn issue filled a wide gamut of moods and hints of what’s to come… #XMen @Marvel #Krakoa
DetailsExcalibur #21
The Hellfire Gala is here and a party awaits in Excalibur #21 (@TiniHoward @erickarciniega @marcusto @CommentAiry )! Dangers lurk behind the scenes in a big reveal for the team… @Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsBlack Cat #7
In Black Cat #7, Felicia & the Black Fox come to terms with him selling Manhattan Island to the GildedSaint on…a Coney Island bench by the beach?! @jedmackay drops this heart-wrencher of a tale with #MichaelDowling on art duties. #Marvel
DetailsStar Wars War of the Bounty Hunters #1
In Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1 ( @CharlesSoule @LukeRossArt @TravisJLanham #NeerajMenon ) Boba Fett blasts off, trying to win back his property. Property that there’s plenty of other people trying to get. #StarWars @Marvel
DetailsHeroes Reborn #5
In Heroes Reborn #5 ( @jasonaaron #RMGuera #GiuliaBrusco @ed_mcguinness #CoryPetit ) Nighthawk takes center stage as he fights to keep his arch-enemy alive!! @Marvel