Immortal Hulk: Flatline #1 (SPOILER-FREE ADVANCED REVIEW)
The Immortal Hulk: Flatline #1
Declan Shalvey has produced a deep installment into this #Hulk series that should not be missed with Immortal Hulk: Flatline #1! @DeclanShalvey
DetailsThe Immortal Hulk: Flatline #1
Declan Shalvey has produced a deep installment into this #Hulk series that should not be missed with Immortal Hulk: Flatline #1! @DeclanShalvey
DetailsS.W.O.R.D #3
S.W.O.R.D #3 (Ewing, Schiti, Height, Chang, Gracia, Maher) cleverly uses a single characters journey to explore and further multiple storylines while hitting good emotional beats within the context of the KIB event buoyed by great art from a very strong art team!
DetailsEternals #2
Eternals #2 (@kierongillen #EsadRibic @COLORnMATT) is a clever issue that explores the impacts an Eternal can have on humans, while also showing the compelling interactions Eternals have with each other while coping with a loss of their own.
DetailsX-FORCE #17
X-FORCE #19 (Percy, Cassara, Guru-eFX, Caramagna) is a brilliantly focused issue that examines the emotional toll of reincarnation as well as giving Quentin Quire some of the best development he has ever had to date set against a back drop mystery that threatens mutant kind!
DetailsThe Legend of Shang-Chi #1
Legend of Shang-Chi #1 displays everything you need to know about why he’s been such an enduring character, just straight up solid martial arts action with a dash of roguish spy intrigue. @crashwong @andie_t @rachellecheri
DetailsDarth Vader #10: Into the Fire – Part V: The Red Horror
In issue #10 Darth Vader has finally made it off Mustafar & is on his way to Exegol to confront his master. However he sits between a massive space creature and the Empire itself! (@GregPak @RaffaeleIenco @NeerajMenon @JoeCaramanga) #StarWars #Marvel
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man #59
In Amazing Spider-Man #59 (Spencer, Ferreira, Faucher, Hollowell, Crossley) we get a look at just what Mr. Negative has been up to… even though we really don’t need to.
DetailsDaredevil #27
In Daredevil #27 ( @Zdarsky @MikeHawthorne @MChecC @Adr_Ben @Menyz ) Matt has his big show-down with Knull. Who’s gonna come out on top? #Marvel #KingInBlack #Daredevil
DetailsExcalibur #18
Excalibur #18 (@tinihoward @marcusto @erickarciniega): The team finds themselves unsure about their recent revelation about their longtime friend Betsy! #Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsImmortal Hulk #43
Immortal Hulk #43 (@al_ewing, Joe Bennett, Ruy Jose, Belardino Bravo, @paulmounts @corypetit) continues to build tension and raise the stakes, checking off every box on the list: body horror, examination of identity, action, & a cliffhanger ending! #Marvel
DetailsAvengers Mech Strike #1
Avengers Mech Strike #1 excels with an accessible cinematic scope, more than enough action and an overall willingness to have FUN! It delivers on everything I’d hoped for and I can’t wait for more. @jedmackay @CarlosMagno1312 @corypetit @kei_zama
DetailsRunaways #33
Runaways #33 (@rainbowrowell Andres Genolet @deezoid) takes a step into high school life for some of the team, while others adjust in their own ways. The X-Men’s Wolverine and Pixie make a guest appearance! #Marvel