Runaways #29: “I Could Replace You with a Fitbit”
Runaways #29
In Runaways #29 (Rowell, Genolet, Cunniffe), the creative team makes this another great issue, even if fairly okay by its own standards.
DetailsRunaways #29
In Runaways #29 (Rowell, Genolet, Cunniffe), the creative team makes this another great issue, even if fairly okay by its own standards.
DetailsStar Wars #2 The Destiny Path: part II
Star Wars issue #2 (Soule, Saiz, Prianto) helps continue a news series in a new chapter in the most beloved era of Star Wars giving audiences a glimpse between films. A new writer and art team are assembled to offer up something very different, yet familiar to the popular franchise. Following issue one, Marvel continues to explore the time period after The Empire Strikes Back.
New Mutants #6: (Brisson, Flaviano, Lopez, Muller, Lanham, Reis) Find out what happens when Boom Boom comes to town.
DetailsRuins of Ravencroft: Dracula #1
Though lacking in depth of plot and characterization, Ruins of Ravencroft: Dracula #1 (Tieri, Unzueta, Landini, Rosenberg) is a fun one-shot style story featuring Dracula at a point in history that isn’t often explored.
DetailsAvengers #30 (Aaron, McGuinness, Manna) brings “Starbrand Reborn” to its rip-roaring conclusion, as a new cosmic power is born and the creative team brings its A-game!
DetailsCaptain America #18
Captain America #18 (Coates, Masters, Milla, Petit) sees Cap emerge into the open and confront the people in what could have been a masterful issue that fell short in many ways.
DetailsFantastic Four #18
Fantastic Four #18 (Slott, Medina, Manna, Magno, Arciniega): In which no one is left untouched by the consequences of Reed’s shocking reveal at the end of last issue!
DetailsX-Men #5
X-Men #5 Hickman, Silva, Gracia, Petit): This issue combines truly beautiful art with top-notch storytelling and a firm handle on character voices which have been lacking in previous installments. It’s a heart-stopping ride.
DetailsAvengers of the Wasteland #1
Journey back to the Wastelands with Ed Brisson and company in Avengers of the Wastelands #1 (Brisson, Scharf, Menon, Petit) for what looks to be an exciting new chapter for this long-running trope.
DetailsFallen Angels #6
Fallen Angels #6 (Hill, Kudranski, D’Armata, Sabino) concludes a series that may be sought after by fans of Psylocke for some time to come, but just doesn’t add enough substantial weight to the Dawn of X lineup to stand out. This one is a miss.
DetailsThor #2
Thor #2 (Cates, Klein, Wilson, Sabino, Marvel) features our favorite God of Thunder and his giant cosmic toddler coming into conflict over the fate of an inhabited planet!
DetailsX-FORCE #6
X-FORCE #6 (Percy, Segovia, GURU-eFX, Caramagna) is an issue that sucks you deeper into the murky morality of Krakoa’s black ops team and raises many questions about the what and how being done in the name of mutantkind.